Chess is not Mathematics, where ten is always more than one; in chess the King with a pawn can beat opponent's King with all pieces if they are placed badly.
As a rule, pawn endings have a forced character, and they can be worked out conclusively.
The pawn is the soul of chess.
Reductio ad absurdum, which Euclid loved so much, is one of a mathematician's finest weapons. It is a far finer gambit than any chess play: a chess player may offer the sacrifice of a pawn or even a piece, but a mathematician offers the game.
The essential disadvantage of the isolated pawn ... lies not in the pawn itself, but in the square in front of the pawn.
My family doesn't do happy endings. We do sad endings or frustrating endings or no endings at all. We are hardwired to expect the next interruption or disappearance or broken promise.
It cannot be too greatly emphasized that the most important role in pawn endings is played by the king.
Can you buy an entire chess set in a pawn shop?
Be warned! From Satan's viewpoint you are a pawn in his game of cosmic chess.
He who fears an isolated Queen's Pawn should give up Chess.
Endings of one rook and pawns are about the most common sort of endings arising on the chess board. Yet though they do occur so often, few have mastered them thoroughly. They are often of a very difficult nature, and sometimes while apparently very simple they are in reality extremely intricate.
[When asked how someone 6'3" had dared take up golf:] I was too tall to make the chess team in my high school, so I tried golf.
What is a weak pawn? A pawn that is exposed to attack and also difficult to defend is a weak pawn. There are several varieties: isolated, doubled, too advanced, retarded.
Modern Chess is too much concerned with things like Pawn structure. Forget it, Checkmate ends the game
When I was preparing for one term's work in the Botvinnik school I had to spend a lot of time on king and pawn endings. So when I came to a tricky position in my own games I knew the winning method.
Al Sharpton is not important. He's nothing more than a black pawn in a very sophisticated white economic chess game.