A Quote by Cenk Uygur

I think the rise of progressives is the biggest storyline there is, whether it's Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or Kara Eastman or Randy Bryce, Richard Ojeda - real populist progressives that are willing to actually fight for the progressive message rather than the lukewarm establishment Democrats.
No, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders, people don't want handouts. They want purpose.
When Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Bernie Sanders first brought up the Green New Deal, it sounded like a leftist pipe dream.
At what point do [progressives] take off our partisan blinders and start wondering whether a very powerful faction of Democrats actually continues to SUPPORT President Bush and the War in Iraq?
Large corporations make strategic investment decisions based upon calculations of rate of return and payback period, not to promote the social justice ideas of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
New York Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez relies on a lot of economic ignorance to get you to believe what's not true could be true.
Our faith, our freedoms and our values are under assault from coastal elites and leftists like Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
If you're an American voter, you should be absolutely disgusted right now by people like Bernie Sanders, a fraud and limousine liberal, and his new acolyte, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and others, too.
Rather than name-calling and arguing about whether it is appropriate or not to employ radical tactics, we progressives need to start listening to each other.
So-called "progressives" actively wage war on progress. . . . Ultimately, progressives are at war with mass prosperity.
It's not only progressives who listen to progressive radio.
Every time I go to these racial forums, it is people who are alike, or it is progressives and liberals. So I said, 'At some point, we've got to bring the progressives and the liberals and the conservatives together.'
The Democrats have lost a thousand electoral seats in America in midterm elections, 2010, 2014. The people of this country are clearly willing to vote against Democrats. They are clearly willing to vote for Republicans. But when you get to the presidential election, it better be somebody that's not just part of the establishment. That's the message, and that's what they're not getting.
And in the minds of progressives you are free to live anyway you want so long as it's progressive.
Democratic socialists like Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., would have us believe that Big Government funded by extremely high taxes - in countries like France - can create fair and just societies with widespread prosperity, little if any poverty, and a happy and contended population.
The "progressives" who today masquerade as "liberals" may rant against "fascism"; yet it is their policy that paves the way for Hitlerism. Nothing could have been more helpful to the success of the National-Socialist (Nazi) movement than the methods used by the "progressives," denouncing Nazism as a party serving the interests of "capital." The German workers knew this tactic too well to be deceived by it again.
People like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have been very busy educating America about just how much socialism we have, from Social Security to Medicare to public schools to public universities, and how much we love that. The truth is that there is no pure socialist or capitalist economy on earth.
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