A Quote by Cesar Chavez

When you have people together who believe in something very strongly - whether it's religion or politics or unions - things happen. — © Cesar Chavez
When you have people together who believe in something very strongly - whether it's religion or politics or unions - things happen.
I never ever aspired for anything in life. I don't believe in planning or yearning for something very strongly. If something has to happen, it will happen.
I'm not criticizing how people experience what they might call spirituality. I am interested in looking critically at something else - at how people use their language to articulate theories about something they call religion, to say, for example, that "in Islam religion and politics necessarily go together," or to insist that "violence has no place in religion," to universalize it.
I believe that the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness. That is clear. Whether one believes in religion or not, whether one believes in this religion or that religion, we all are seeking something better in life. So, I think, the very motion of our life is towards happiness.
I don't believe that if you do good, good things will happen. Everything is completely accidental and random. Sometimes bad things happen to very good people and sometimes good things happen to bad people. But at least if you try to do good things, then you're spending your time doing something worthwhile.
Whole ideology of consumption almost to the point of religion. Whether it's the consumption of entertainment or the consumption around buying things, we're so caught up with our appetites that we don't have a clear distinction about what we need and what we just want. Plus, the decline of trade unions is a factor. When you have powerful unions, you have a working class that is politicized.
But I believe in destiny and strongly feel that certain things are meant to happen and so they will happen.
Whether you believe it or not, you have to understand the politics. In every script, there is a political bend that the writer has included. Whether you like it or not, is on you. But it's very important to know that politics.
I don't believe in coincidences. I believe that things happen for a reason, and I think God has things - whether it's good or bad - happen towards a bigger picture that you don't necessarily understand at the present time.
I don't believe in religious tests, and I don't believe my religion is all that important to the people I represent. And I think there's too much religion in politics.
As important as politics are to me, the life and the spirit of people's emotions are much more important. People live real lives where they love and grieve and feel pain and joy and that is a whole separate sphere. All that political stuff, I believe in it strongly, but not as strongly as I believe that at some point you or someone is going to need a song to sit with and comfort them in a hard time.
And when someone grows up knowing so little of what real love feels like, whether from family, or friends, or the love of a companion, that person starts to believe that they weren’t meant to be loved, that good things will never happen to them. They start to believe that whenever something good does happen, it’s inevitable that something bad will come along to replace it.
I strongly believe that love as an emotion is sufficient for a girl and a boy to be together, and these societal norms like caste, creed or religion are all man-made.
The essence of all religions is love, compassion and tolerance. Kindness is my true religion. No matter whether you are learned or not, whether you believe in the next life or not, whether you believe in God or Buddha or some other religion or not, in day-to-day life you must be a kind person.
I'm strongly into the Bible; I'm strongly into God and religion.I'm pro-life and different things.
If something is meant to be, it's gonna work. If two people believe in something really strongly, I think a longdistance relationship is easy. They just make the time to be together. And you have to remember that any relationship is going to be hard...mostly because you're two different people and you have to figure stuff out.
But I believe good things happen everyday. I believe good things happen even when bad things happen. And I believe on a happy day like today, we can still feel a little sad. And that's life, isn't it?
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