A Quote by Chance The Rapper

I think that's always the goal of art, is to make people ask themselves questions. — © Chance The Rapper
I think that's always the goal of art, is to make people ask themselves questions.
People often ask themselves the right questions. Where they fail is in answering the questions they ask themselves, and even there they do not fail by much...But it takes time, it takes humility and a serious reason for searching.
Whenever I'm giving talks, I always ask people to think of the most obscure questions because I enjoy those the most. I always get the same questions: Why does Pickwick say "plock" and will there be a movie? I like the really obscure questions because there's so much in the books. There are tons and tons of references and I like when people get the little ones and ask me about them. It's good for the audience [and also] they realize there's more there.
I believe that good questions are more important than answers, and the best children's books ask questions, and make the readers ask questions. And every new question is going to disturb someone's universe.
Art can end up answering questions or asking questions. But when it's not connected to actual movements, it doesn't ask the right questions.
The biggest challenge in big data today is asking the right questions of data. There are so many questions to ask that you don't have the time to ask them all, so it doesn't even make sense to think about where to start your analysis.
Our job is to ask questions of children so that children internalize these questions and ask them of themselves and their own emerging drafts.
I don't want to be a didactic voice. I like to ask more questions than I answer, just to get people thinking and to make it safe to access art.
I try to encourage people to think for themselves, to question standard assumptions... Don't take assumptions for granted. Begin by taking a skeptical attitude toward anything that is conventional wisdom. Make it justify itself. It usually can't. Be willing to ask questions about what is taken for granted. Try to think things through for yourself.
Every man, every woman who has to take up the service of government, must ask themselves two questions: ‘Do I love my people in order to serve them better? Am I humble and do I listen to everybody, to diverse opinions in order to choose the best path.’ If you don’t ask those questions, your governance will not be good.
Every man, every woman who has to take up the service of government, must ask themselves two questions: 'Do I love my people in order to serve them better? Am I humble and do I listen to everybody, to diverse opinions in order to choose the best path?' If you don't ask those questions, your governance will not be good.
When movies tend to start to preach to me, I tend to shut them off, whether I agree with the message or not. I don't think the job of art is to preach, I think it's to ask questions and make people aware of differences and different ways of looking at things. That's what I want to do, anyway. Whether I'm successful or not, that's up to history.
Ask the right questions, and the answers will always reveal themselves.
So I want to make money. I think it's an OK goal to have. I always felt like I can't ask for that. But why not?
I never write with any kind of message, and I don't think that this book, 'Goodbye, Stranger' has a message in the capital M form of the word but I do hope it makes people ask themselves questions about what they think.
I consider it my patriotic duty as an ordinary citizen - not as Secretary of State - to ask questions. I think we have to ask ourselves the tough questions.
I think that all comics or humorists, or whatever we are, ask questions. That's what we're supposed to do. But I not only ask the questions, I offer solutions.
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