A Quote by Chandra Wilson

This is the weirdest industry. When you have a job, you can't fall into the pitfalls of thinking you're secure. If it's not a firing, it's a strike. — © Chandra Wilson
This is the weirdest industry. When you have a job, you can't fall into the pitfalls of thinking you're secure. If it's not a firing, it's a strike.
When you're out here grinding away, firing at some flags, firing at the middle of the green, you just got to be very patient, and I always do a pretty good job of that in the majors.
We are delighted to be working with PCG to continue to develop professionalism in the IT industry, and making BCS membership more accessible to PCG's IT members enabling them to gain industry-recognised endorsement of their credentials. BCS membership supports career development at every stage, offering a wealth of IT industry information, and access to an unrivalled network of IT professionals to help secure that next job or contract.
Sometimes I fall out of love with what I'm doing, but only for about a week. Once it's over I'm back to thinking it's the best job in the world again. But every job has it's ups and downs.
It's not a very secure industry. I've spoken to a couple of people recently who had a successful TV show and then found themselves absolutely skint and struggling to find a job.
Wouldn't it be exciting if all women just went on strike? Just a woman's strike. Everything would fall apart pretty quickly then, wouldn't it?
If you don't have an auto industry, you will not be secure as a nation because you won't have a backbone like manufacturing to be able to put people to work in producing the means to you keep you secure.
It makes me happier, more secure, to think that I do not have to plan and manage everything for myself, that I am only a sword made sharp to smite the unclean forces, an enchanted sword to cleave and disperse them. Grant, O Lord, that I may not break as I strike! Let me not fall from Thy hand!
Hamas is firing at our cities, at our people, firing from these areas, from these homes, from these schools, from mosques, from hospitals. They are actually using them as weapon storage, as command posts and as firing positions, or right next to them.
I've got to take measured steps and avoid the pitfalls. Life in general has pitfalls, but being a boxer there's even more.
In truth a clear-headed physicalist shouldn't be thinking any of these dualist thoughts. If pains are one and the same as C-fibres firing, then there really isn't any possibility of having 'one' without the 'other'. Once you properly appreciates physicalism, this dissociation should cease to appear possible - C-fibres with pains should strike you as no more possible than squares without rectangles.
Look, boys, it ever strike you that the world not real at all? It ever strike you that we have the only mind in the world and you just thinking up everything else? Like me here, having the only mind in the world, and thinking up you people here, thinking up the war and all the houses and the ships and them in the harbour. That ever cross your mind?
There was a gas strike, oil strike, lorry strike, bread strike, got to be a Superman to survive.
Kanye is the weirdest... He is the weirdest person I know other than me. I've told him that before.
We are on strike, we, the men of the mind. We are on strike against self-immolation. We are on strike against the creed of unearned rewards and unrewarded duties. We are on strike against the dogma that the pursuit of one's happiness is evil. We are on strike against the doctrine that life is guilt.
One must not put a loaded rifle on the stage if no one is thinking of firing it.
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