A Quote by Channing Tatum

There are so many dramatic actors where I would give all of my anything to have their careers, but I don't think I can try to follow anyone. — © Channing Tatum
There are so many dramatic actors where I would give all of my anything to have their careers, but I don't think I can try to follow anyone.
I would love to do something dramatic. I don't know if anybody will ever give me the chance, but I would love to try it. I'm trained in acting and spent many years working on it, so it's just a matter of opportunity.
I don't think that anyone could try to be my father, I think he was extremely unique, and if anybody were to try to act like him and pull off the action in the same way, that would be a mistake. Trying to give a Bruce Lee-esque performance would be an epic failure.
I would never try to motivate anyone to follow me. I would motivate him to follow certain principles.
You can think of Hollywood as high school. TV actors are freshmen, comedy actors are maybe juniors, and dramatic actors - they're the cool seniors.
I don't think that I've had a career like anyone else's, but there are hosts and hosts of actors whose careers I admire.
I don't think many actors are the best judge of careers. I think generally we have good instincts about what we can do in terms of acting. And often they become directors, which I don't want to be.
I know it sounds very typical to say, but the best part of being an actor, and the reason why I think a lot of actors do it, is that it's always changing. You get to play so many things that it's like you've had so many different careers.
Being an actor: that's a pretty big net. That's a big playing field. The Screen Actors' Guild is filled with many, many, many, many people and vastly different careers.
It's funny because if you ever ask anyone in England to try and do a Beatles accent, no one knows what they really sound like. If you ask anyone in America, they would try and give it a go. English people just know their songs.
All the actors I respect, especially old-Hollywood actors, the reason I think so many of them have had long careers is that there is a sort of mystery about them. You don't know what they do on Friday nights when they go home from work. You have no clue. You have this sort of fantasy about them.
People very often say to actors that they admire their careers, and I rather think that what's implied by that is that we have a choice in the matter. When really, most actors, me included, do whatever comes along next.
You do sometimes watch performances and just think, 'I may as well give up. I won't reach that. I may as well give up.' But then there are other actors you watch and just think, 'Oh my God, yes, I want to try and do that. Try and be like that'. And Bryan Cranston is someone who I'd like to try and be like.
I think it's unfortunate how many people today try to build up their own careers by denigrating the work of others.
The great amount of fun that I have is I can cast dramatic actors to play comedic roles, and I can cast comedic actors to play dramatic roles because, really, there's no such thing. There's just actors.
When I went to Bollywood and used to give actors instructions, many of them would tell me that I am acting out exactly like Mohanlal. I learnt from one of the best actors in the country and I am proud of that.
Actors are actors, and there should be a complete fluidity for anyone to play anything.
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