I answer in the affirmative with an emphatic 'No.'
When lying, be emphatic and indignant, thus behaving like your children.
At times the whole world seems to be in conspiracy to importune you with emphatic trifles.
Philosophy ... must not bargain away anything of the emphatic concept of truth.
Children are born as emphatic and compassionate beings - so you don't have to teach them generosity, it's in their nature to be friendly.
Emphatic and reiterated assertion, especially during childhood, produces in most people a belief so firm as to have a hold even over the unconscious.
England's dominant schools, universities, professions and enterprises are largely in the ideological and filial grip of the Conservative party. This isn't always obvious but it is emphatic, especially when they are threatened.
I always remember what my dad told me when I decided to turn into an actor. He was emphatic that whatever I do, I should get accepted by the audiences who watch my films.
It is satisfying following such an emphatic victory over the current unbeaten champion (Lucian Bute) to know that there's a lot of people eating humble pie.
Sin is not wrong doing, it is wrong BEING, deliberate and emphatic independence of God.
How flat all sounds are at the seaside, flat and yet emphatic, like the sound of gunshots heard at a distance.
Over emphatic negatives always suggest that what is being denied may be what is really being asserted.
It's the experts in adolescent development who wax most emphatic about the value of family meals, for it's in the teenage years that this daily investment pays some of its biggest dividends.
Did bin Laden act alone, through his own al-Qaida network, in launching the attacks? About that I'm far more certain and emphatic: no.
When you give your ONE Thing your most emphatic Yes! and vigorously say No! to the rest, extraordinary results become possible.
Is global warming causing more extreme weather events of greater intensity, and is it causing sea levels to rise? The answer to both is an emphatic 'no.'