A Quote by Charles Duhigg

Calling out people for not voting, what experts term 'public shaming,' can prod someone to cast a ballot. — © Charles Duhigg
Calling out people for not voting, what experts term 'public shaming,' can prod someone to cast a ballot.
In ability choice education finance majorities people understanding voting A lot of voters always cast their ballot for the candidate who seems to them to be one of the people. That means he must have the same superstitions, the same unbalanced prejudices, and the same lack of understanding of public finances that are characteristic of the majority. A better choice would be a candidate who has a closer understanding and a better education than the majority. Too much voting is based on affability rather than on ability.
My office is committed to tearing down unlawful barriers to voting to ensure that all eligible voters are able to freely cast a ballot.
A government reflects the views of those who select it, and if people are unable to cast their ballot because the voting hours aren't convenient for them or because other hurdles have been raised too high we get a less representative government as a result.
I think polling is important because it gives a voice to the people. It gives a quantitative, independent assessment of what the public feels as opposed to what experts or pundits think the public feels. So often it provides a quick corrective on what's thought to be the conventional wisdom about public opinion. There are any number of examples that I could give you about how wrong the experts are here in Washington, in New York and elsewhere about public opinion that are revealed by public opinion polls.
When public access to voting is impaired or when public confidence in voting is diluted, democracy suffers and our freedom is less secure.
I'm not calling for a boycott on voting. But I think it should be very clear that just voting is not going to solve our problems.
Unless they can pass the same test that immigrants must pass to become citizens, people shouldnt be allowed to vote. The idea that there is some public benefit in ignoramuses and morons pulling levers next to names on a ballot is one of the evil myths of post-modern America. The purpose of voting, in our country, is to select men and women with the competence and integrity to operate the mechanics of government fixed by our Constitution. For this process to have any public benefit requires that the choices be made on an intelligent, knowledgeable and reasoned basis.
The First Amendment is now being used by the secularists of our day as a cattle prod to herd conservative religious people out of the public life of the nation and into, as others have put it, a religious ghetto.
I wish we could understand the word expert as expressing an attitude of mind which we can all acquire rather than the collecting of information by a special caste. ... Many of us are calling for experts because, acutely conscious of the mess we are in, we want someone to pull us out.
Democracy, as a governing system, is built on the foundational concept that when you cast your ballot, that ballot ensures your voice, will, and perspective will be accounted for in the direction of your city, state, or country.
Maryland first allowed early voting during the 2010 primary elections. In November 2012, more than 16 percent of registered voters in Maryland cast their ballots during the early voting period, and some polling places, particularly in our larger jurisdictions, witnessed early voting lines that were hours long.
What does calling this medical care legislation "historic" mean? It means that previous administrations gave up the idea when it became clear that the voting public did not want government control of medical care. What is "historic" is that this will be the first administration to show that it doesn't care one bit what the public wants or doesn't want.
It's supposed to feel good to throw a brick at the right people. There is a long tradition of naming and ridiculing and shaming and calling the villains what they are. Usually it was the artistocracy of the day and satire was the only way to speak truth to power.
What people don't understand is that calling someone too skinny is the same as calling someone too fat; it's not a nice feeling.
Organizations worried about the potential for e-voting problems have long-advocated for audit procedures by which votes cast by e-voting machines could be verified through audit trails.
We should be doing everything we can to make it as convenient as possible for eligible Americans to cast a ballot. People fought and died for the right to vote.
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