A Quote by Charles Kennedy

My approach is always to try to be straight with people, especially about what my party can achieve. — © Charles Kennedy
My approach is always to try to be straight with people, especially about what my party can achieve.
Yash has always been straight forward in his approach and is very open and candid in his opinions. I guess this is why most people approach him for advice.
I always use the basic quality of people to achieve what I want to achieve. That's a different way of thinking. I always love that they do things. And when it goes wrong, well, try to correct it in one way or another.
Our problem was that in the American approach to Soviet affairs policy has oscillated between people who take an essentially psychological approach and people who take an essentially theological approach, and the two really meet. The psychologists try to "understand" the Soviet Union. And try to ease its alleged fears. The theologians say the Soviets are evil.
I could party in a cardboard box with people who are funny and don't care. For me, it's really about who I surround myself with, so I just try to always be with hilarious people.
We need a brand as a party that says we're the party that are going to help working-class people, white people, black people, brown people, gay people, straight people, improve opportunity for them to grow their wages, to have security, economic security.
What I want to try to do is unify the two wings of the Democratic Party. What's considered the more progressive wing of the Democratic Party - the more centrist wing of the party. I think we can craft an approach that is more American, pro-worker, pro-business, pro-growth.
We need to show the fact that when you start thinking about freedom and liberty, personal responsibility, and opportunity to achieve the American Dream, the Republican party is the best party to do that.
I approach everything the same. I try to make it as real as possible, whether you gotta make people laugh or make people cry, it's always the same approach for me. But if I start doing pratfalls, somebody please pull the plug on me.
I always believe in servanthood. It's about not elevating yourself to a positon of power. It's about humbling yourself to the last guy on the roster and try to help him do his job better. That's what my approach has always been.
I always had ambition. I always knew I was going to go to college. I could party and do that stuff, but I always got straight A's and a 4.0 and all that.
When you go back and look at what people say about my essays, they're always going, 'What is this?' Because they're not exactly like other people's essays... The approach is not at all the recognized approach of a non-fiction writer. It's not linear. It isn't pyramidally based on fact.
I always say I have a Socratic approach to most things that I do. I pummel people with questions, because I need to know what they're thinking, what they're trying to achieve, what they believe the final outcome is going to be.
Whenever I start working on a song, I immediately try to forget everything, to empty my head. I try to approach it like,“This is the first time I've ever played a guitar. What am I going to do?”. That's one way of getting straight through the conscious mind into the subconscious layer where the true creative spirit lies.
Let's be very honest about what this is about. It's not about bashing Democrats, it's not about taxes, they have no idea what the Boston tea party was about, they don't know their history at all. This is about hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight up.
My attempt is to try to broaden the base of the Republican Party, to try to bring in people that can agree and that can disagree on that, because I think the issues that we face about terrorism, about our economy, about the growth of our economy are so important that we have to have the biggest outreach possible.
I'm trying to change the way people approach knowledge and information in general. I think that to try to own knowledge, to try to control whether people are allowed to use it, or to try to stop other people from sharing it, is sabotage.
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