A Quote by Charles Kingsley

The Water Babies "Young and Old" When all the world is young, lad, And all the trees are green; And every goose a swan, lad, And every lass a queen; Then hey for boot and horse, lad, And round the world away: Young blood must have its course, lad, And every dog his day.
Young blood must have its course, lad, and every dog its day.
A man met a lad weeping. "What do you weep for?" he asked. "I am weeping for my sins," said the lad. "You must have little to do," said the man. The next day, they met again. Once more the lad was weeping. "Why do you weep now?" asked the man. "I am weeping because I have nothing to eat," said the lad. "I thought it would come to that," said the man.
Every young lad's dream is to play for England, but when you get the chance, there's bound to be pressure and a few nerves.
Being a lad is what I'm about. I can tell you who isn't a lad - anyone from Blur.
They're cheering a young lad, the champion playboy of the Western World.
I remember going for a drink of water, and one old bloke shouts, 'Hey you, young lad! Your grandad is under that grass!' I just turned around to him, gave him the thumbs up and said: 'Nae problem!'
Clap! Snap! the black crack! Grip, grab! Pinch, nab! And down down to Goblin-town You go, my lad! Clash, crash! Crush, smash! Hammer and tongs! Knocker and gongs! Pound, pound, far underground! Ho, ho! my lad! Swish, smack! Whip crack! Batter and beat! Yammer and bleat! Work, work! Nor dare to shirk, While Goblins quaff, and Goblins laugh, Round and round far underground Below, my lad!
I'm just a lad playing for Liverpool, trying to achieve his dream, so to see a lad with my name on his shirt - when I grew up having the names of other players on my shirt - it meant a lot.
One of my biggest attributes, if you speak to my coaches from when I was a young lad, is that I've always believed in my own ability and been a confident young man.
I was a young lad when I was growing up.
When you're a young lad in a team like Arsenal, you feel like, of course, you deserve to be at the club... but you're on the periphery, and there are world-class players and more experienced players around you.
I'm just a normal young lad who plays football.
Early on in my career I had a lot of bad press about my temperament, but I was only a young lad then.
People said when I was a young lad 'Oh he's got good feet.' He's good in small spaces and that's something I have always had since a young age.
Booze and tobacco and lots of sex. It keeps a lad young.
People have to recognise I'm a working-class lad. Forget what I've done and where I've been. I'm a working-class lad. I've come from nothing and I've not forgotten that.
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