A Quote by Charles Spurgeon

He who fears God has nothing else to fear. — © Charles Spurgeon
He who fears God has nothing else to fear.
Despots govern by terror. They know that he who fears God fears nothing else; and therefore they eradicate from the mind, through their Voltaire, their Helvetius, and the rest of that infamous gang, that only sort of fear which generates true courage.
The remarkable thing about God is that when you fear God, you fear nothing else, whereas if you do not fear God, you fear everything else.
As he that fears God fears nothing else, so he that sees God sees everything else.
If a person fears God, she has no reason to fear anything else.
We Germans fear God, but nothing else in the world; and it is the fear of God, which lets us love and foster peace.
Nothing else is needed to quiet all your fears, but just this, that GOD IS.
Henceforth the majesty of God revere;Fear Him, and you have nothing else to fear.
And I, who timidly hate life, fear death with fascination. I fear this nothingness that could be something else, and I fear it as nothing and as something else simultaneously, as if gross horror and non-existence could coincide there, as if my coffin could entrap the eternal breathing of a bodily soul, as if immortality could be tormented by confinement. The idea of hell, which only a satanic soul could have invented seems to me to have derived from this sort of confusion - a mixture of two different fears that contradict and contaminate each other.
When you fear God you fear nothing else!
The only God-ordained fear is the fear of God, and if we fear Him, we don't have to fear anyone or anything else
Fear of success is one of the new fears I've heard about lately. And I think its definitely a sign that we're running out of fears. A person suffering from fear of success is scraping the bottom of the fear barrel.
Fear not the proud and the haughty; fear rather him who fears God.
He who fears death either fears to lose all sensation or fears new sensations. In reality, you will either feel nothing at all, and therefore nothing evil, or else, if you can feel any sensations, you will be a new creature, and so will not have ceased to have life.
This is something I've struggled with a lot: how to relate to the fear in a constructive way. It's not that you eliminate the fear. We have all the fears. That's natural; that's human beings. But how do you deal with the fears, how do you engage with your fears in a way that's productive?
I think one of the most important changes of our time has been our attitude to fear. Every civilisation defends itself by keeping fears out and saying 'we protect you from fear'. But it also produces new fears and throughout history people have changed the kind of fears which have worried them.
We Germans fear God, but nothing else in the world.
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