A Quote by Charles Spurgeon

Incredulity is not wisdom. — © Charles Spurgeon
Incredulity is not wisdom.
Incredulity is the wisdom of the fool.
Nothing is so contemptible as that affectation of wisdom, which some display, by universal incredulity.
The man scarce lives who is not more credulous than he ought to be... The natural disposition is always to believe. It is acquired wisdom and experience only that teach incredulity, and they very seldom teach it enough.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.
Incredulity is not wisdom, but the worst kind of folly. It is folly, because it causes ignorance and mistake, with all the consequents of these; and it is very bad, as being accompanied with disingenuity, obstinacy, rudeness, uncharitableness, and the like bad dispositions; from which credulity itself, the other extreme sort of folly, is exempt.
Wisdom always makes men fortunate: for by wisdom no man could ever err, and therefore he must act rightly and succeed, or his wisdom would be wisdom no longer.
There is an unbroken continuum from the wisdom of the body to the wisdom of the mind, from the wisdom of the individual to the wisdom of the race.
We are responsible for our incredulity.
The first step towards philosophy is incredulity.
Wisdom is a condition of consciousness rather than an attitude of mind. Wisdom is that state of being in which an individual finds himself when realization has tinctured and transmuted all attitudes and opinions. A wise man is one who has experienced wisdom, wisdom in this sense being a mystical experience.
What is divine escapes men's notice because of their incredulity.
No one becomes forty without incredulity and a sense of outrage.
Simplifying to the extreme, I define postmodern as incredulity toward metanarratives.
When incredulity becomes a faith, it is less rational than a religion.
Wisdom isn't to know these words. Wisdom isn't to have ideas or philosophies - those are just thoughts. Wisdom is to be that perfect consciousness.
Wisdom is meaningless until your own experience has given it meaning, and there is wisdom in the selection of wisdom.
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