A Quote by Charlie Munger

When you mix raisins and turds, you've still got turds. — © Charlie Munger
When you mix raisins and turds, you've still got turds.
If we mix only a moderate minority share of turds with the raisins each year, probably no one will recognize what will ultimately become a very large collection of turds.
that's as nutty as squirrel turds
Don't pole-vault over mouse turds.
Neferet, you're nuttier than squirrel turds.
Mushrooms grow on cow turds. I love that. I think that's why you giggle the first hour.
As you swim the river of live, do the breast stroke. It helps to clear the turds from your path.
Life is not like a box of chocolates unless there's a few turds in the box.
[On journalists:] They are as disruptive a menace to the public body: as grating turds in the intestines are to the private body.
When a writer is swayed with his fame and his fortune, you can float him down the river with the turds.
Surfing is one of the most joyful pursuits a human can take up. But there's no joy in a deadzone. If you've ever surfed in turds and medical waste you don't want to repeat the experience.
Having stretched the boundaries some, I'm perfectly content now to work within them. 'Doonesbury' doesn't need to become 'South Park.' You won't ever see any singing turds.
Watching these channels all day is incredibly depressing. I live in a constant state of depression. I think of us as turd miners. I put on my helmet, I go and mine turds, hopefully I don't get turd lung disease.
The most hopeful thing in the stories, I hope, is wit. I make it up. If I make up a world in which we're ruled by big talking turds, it doesn't mean that we are. So you shouldn't feel depressed.
When you mix a record that someone else is on, you've got to send it to them. They've got to like the mix, you got to like the mix, the producer's got to like the mix. Too many people are involved!
I grew up having to piss in a bucket ’cos there was no indoor shitter, and now I have these computerised Japanese super-loo things that have heated seats and wash and blow-dry your arse at the touch of a button. Give it a couple of years and I’ll have a bog with a robot arm that pulls out my turds, so I don’t have to strain.
There is San Diego - this retirement village, with its prim petticoat, that doesn't want to get too near the water. San Diego worries about all the turds washing up on the lovely, pristine beaches of La Jolla. San Diego wishes Mexico would have fewer babies. And San Diego, like the rest of America, is growing middle-aged.
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