A Quote by Charlie Shrem

The hardest obstacles for Bitcoin companies are banking and regulation. — © Charlie Shrem
The hardest obstacles for Bitcoin companies are banking and regulation.
One of the things that has plagued bitcoin is not bitcoin itself but the companies built on top of it.
If there is one positive takeaway from the collapse of Mt.Gox, it is the willingness of a new generation of Bitcoin companies to work together to ensure the future of Bitcoin and the security of customer funds.
A better way to help American companies compete against competitors abroad is to remove all series and myriad of obstacles they face in America, whether it's union rules in some states or massive amounts of regulation imposed upon them, one of the most expensive combined corporate tax rates on the planet.
In our early experiences with bitcoin, we found how few people were building bitcoin exchanges the right way. They really weren't taking the regulation seriously; they were taking it too much like how you would approach something when you're 18, full of the excitement of youth and throwing caution to the wind.
It's really hard to argue that bitcoin doesn't have many legitimate benefits to companies that are legal businesses when you have Dell and Expedia and all these companies now accepting it.
I'm a big fan of Bitcoin ... Regulation of money supply needs to be depoliticized.
Isn't the purpose of bitcoin mining simply to get rich - or not, as the case may be? Well, at 21, we are less concerned with bitcoin as a financial instrument and more interested in bitcoin as a protocol - and particularly in the industrial uses of bitcoin enabled by embedded mining.
Because the supply of Bitcoin is limited, the price of Bitcoin is going to have to increase and increase very substantially over time. My advice is that if you're interested in Bitcoin and excited by Bitcoin, then buy some Bitcoin and hold onto them, and you're likely to do very well over time.
Well, bitcoin is a currency. Bitcoin has no underlying rate of return. You know, bonds have an interest coupon. Stocks have earnings and dividends. Gold has nothing, and bitcoin has nothing. There is nothing to support the bitcoin except the hope that you will sell it to somebody for more than you paid for it.
Bitcoin was created with security in mind. The Blockchain is Bitcoin's public ledger that records every transaction in the Bitcoin economy.
I think anybody who is interested in keeping their money safe from the criminal banking system would want gold, silver, and Bitcoin.
I think you might see us growing much deeper into banking. You might see us acquiring companies in the banking area. You might see us acquiring companies in the retail area. I think you might see us acquiring companies in the telecommunications. I think you will see us getting stronger in business intelligence.
We have put in place policies through supervision and regulation that has greatly enhanced the safety and soundness of the banking system.
The scripting language in Bitcoin is important because it is what makes Bitcoin 'programmable money'. Within each Bitcoin transaction is the ability to write a little program.
You have safety and soundness as primary purpose of the Federal Reserve, the OCC, and the other agencies which control banking regulation.
The bitcoin protocol is about mining bitcoin, not pricing bitcoin. There is nothing in the protocol about establishing a market price for bitcoin; you need a market for that, but what if all the exchange markets are shut down?
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