A Quote by Charlie W Shedd

Seek a happy marriage with wholeness of heart, but do not expect to reach the promised land without going through some wilderness together.
Wilderness is a temporary condition through which we are passing to the Promised Land.
Sometimes you have to go through the wilderness before you get to the Promised Land.
Forty years spent in wandering in a wilderness like that of the present is not a sad fate - unless one attempts to make himself believe that the wilderness is after all itself the promised land.
No one escapes the wilderness on the way to the promised land.
The Promised Land always lies on the other side of a Wilderness.
Take courage. We walk in the wilderness today and in the Promised Land tomorrow
Black people have always been America's wilderness in search of a promised land.
It is not our heads or our bodies which we must bring together, but our hearts. . . . Humanity. . . is building its composite brain beneath our eyes. May it not be that tomorrow, through the logical and biological deepening of the movement drawing it together, it will find its heart, without which the ultimate wholeness of its power of unification can never be achieved?
Until we find the meaning of the stories in our lives we're destined to wander in a wilderness even though we're in a promised land.
The Promised Land, for many people, though, is something that's far off in the future. People are saved, but they don't feel victory. They feel like they're in a wilderness and they're wandering. And so this book of Joshua gives us a picture of how we can come out of the wilderness in our own spiritual lives and enter into a season of victory.
Don't complain. The Israelites wasted forty years murmuring and complaining in the wilderness, when they could have just obeyed God and entered into their Promised Land.
We've not reached the promised land. We're still wandering around, bumping into each other in the wilderness of ignorance and hate. That is why the King holiday is so important.
You can never reach the promised land. You can march towards it.
You never reach the promised land. You can march towards it
One of the important things about marriage is to be accepted. Love is the basis of marriage, but there are many married people who have never felt accepted. Marriage is not a reformatory, and spouses need to reach out to each other without criticism or reservations. To live with a wife or husband who does not accept you is a dark valley to walk through.
Moses led his people through the wilderness and he wasn't permitted to enter the Promised Land. Jesus was crucified. Mohammad founded a state which soon became an empire, so that Islam from the very beginning is involved with government, with politics. And therefore there is a very clear strong political tradition in Islam.
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