A Quote by Chelsea Clinton

Caricatured as navel-gazers, Millennials are said to live for their 'likes' and status updates. But the young people I know often leverage social media in selfless ways.
You can't build a strong future for millennials or young people just based on social media. If so, they'd be all secure with Mr. Trudeau, who is very good at social media.
When I was detoxing from social media, I realized that I was thinking in status updates. It seemed I had trained my brain to translate everything I experienced throughout the day into 140 characters or less.
Earthly families all look different. And while we do the best we can to create strong traditional families, membership in the family of God is not contingent upon any kind of status - marital status, parental status, financial status, social status, or even the kind of status we post on social media.
I talk about millennials with a healthy dose of humility, as I'm a card-carrying member of Generation X. But I have daily interaction with young people at Dana Perino & Co., through my Minute Mentoring organization, with digital friends on social media, and especially at Fox News.
If you read Donald Trump's book "The Art of the Deal," you know that he likes to create leverage, he likes to have psychological advantage, he likes to be on the offense. He believes in what he calls truthful hyperbole.
I get most of my news updates from electronic and social media.
What people say about millennials is the same thing they've said about every generation: Younger people are obsessed with technology, and selfish, and they're lazy, and they live with their parents... Guess what? That's 'cause they're young people!
We live in this world of tweeting, and social media, and anti-social media, and all the rest, so no matter what you say, there is going to be what people say is a firestorm. I don't know what a firestorm is.
We know everything about what you know and how you learn best because we get so much data. And education is the highest-stakes media product in your life. It's infinitely more important than your Facebook friends' status updates or your Google search results because it's your future.
I think the adoption rate with respect to social media and how companies leverage that varies by the company. Cisco is probably a leader in the space. A lot of times, we actually use virtual ways to communicate our brand and do some of our advertising, first on the social space, then we do on physical advertising.
I use social media not to ask new people to like my stuff. I use social media to connect with that one reader who likes my stuff.
I just think that, you know, what young actors actors and actresses have to factor into their work is all of the social media and the pressures that come from social media and the scrutiny that they're under and so nothing goes under the radar.
Performing with a hologram in a three-dimensional world feels somewhat strange. But you know, the experience of playing live in a room full of people is most exciting, it's something that the social media has not been able to recreate. There's some kind of intensity about it, something that the social media doesn't capture.
99.5 percent of the people that walk around and say they are a social media expert or guru are clowns. We are going to live through a devastating social media bubble.
I've always said that I feel lucky to live in the era of social media and be a working model in this time. Back in the day, models were just another face. But social media has given people a voice and not just another face. Not only can you show the world your personality and stuff like that, but you can be a brand ambassador easily.
Young people understand that there is not a Social Security trust fund. Social Security is a pay-as-you-go system, where today's millennials are paying for today's seniors.
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