A Quote by Chelsea Handler

I definitely don't want to have kids. I don't think I'd be a great mother. I don't want to have a kid and have it raised by a nanny. I don't have the time to raise a child.
I definitely don't want to have kids ... I don't think I'd be a great mother. I'm a great aunt or friend of a mother ... I don't want to spend that kind of time. I don't want to have a kid and have it raised by a nanny. I don't have time to raise a child.
You want your children to love the nanny, but at the same time, you want to stay the mother, and you want to be the most-loved. So there is a sort of jealousy between the mother and the nanny.
I don't want to raise a child by myself. I could do it. But I definitely don't want to. I want to be a mother who has the original father there.
I want to judge the nannies that's around my child. I don't want to pay for a nanny that I never met, that I never got a chance to interview. That's not the life I want for my child. I want to be involved 100 percent in all decisions made. This my flesh and blood.
I just want my child to have security and being looked after by me, by my other half, by my mother and by a nanny. We all share that responsibility equally and I think he is a very well-adjusted little boy.
My mum had four kids on her own, so if I had one kid with one nanny and not a full-time job, it would be a joke. And I think the impossible happens when you leave your kids. I've seen so many nannies in the park on their phones, and the kids are running off.
You want to raise good kids, but it doesn't happen in one day. You want to be a great fighter, but it doesn't happen overnight. It takes time.
I just want to raise a confident girl. I just want her to know that she doesn't need to be sending naked pictures and doing all that stuff - I'm definitely going to monitor everything. I want to raise her to know that she can go do whatever she wants in life and to be comfortable in her own skin, which I think also just comes with age and time.
I don't want my kids safe and comfortable. I want them BRAVE. ... I don't want to be the reason my kids choose safety over courage. I hope I never hear them say, 'Mom will freak out,' or 'My parents will never agree to this.' May my fear not bind their purpose here. Scared moms raise scared kids. Brave moms raise brave kids. Real disciples raise real disciples.
Women come to a time in their lives where they raise their kids, they've had their careers, their kids leave home, and they're deciding, 'Am I recommitting to my relationship? It's been a great ride. Do I want to stay here? Maybe there's something else.'
I'm sure my priorities will change. My mother was such a great mother and is still such a big part of my life. I want my kids to feel that way about me. I want to be in their lives. I don't want to be away a lot, so I'm sure I'll slow down. But there are so many amazing people who do both.
I have met parents all over the world, and they all just want to raise their kids to a higher standard than they were raised with.
If you are female, and conditions are otherwise apt, you are supposed to decide whether you want to become a mother by thinking carefully about whether you really want to have a child of your very own, what it would be like to be a mother, whether this is something you really want and will be happy with, etc. In general, you are supposed to evaluate whether you should have a child largely on the basis of what you think it will be like for you to have a child.
I really wanted to be a mom. I didn't want my kids to be raised by a nanny, which would have been the case if I were working two movies in a year, you know? And I would have been hospitalized with fatigue.
I cannot raise a child to lie or to hide things. I wasn't raised that way, and I'm not going to raise a child to do that.
The urge that most people feel to have kids is the exact same as the urge that I have to not have kids. I do not want to raise a child.
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