A Quote by Cher

Sometimes you have to show a little skin. This reminds boys of being naked, and then they think of sex. — © Cher
Sometimes you have to show a little skin. This reminds boys of being naked, and then they think of sex.
Sometimes I get a little sad, and I feel like being alone. Then I talk to my cat about it, and he reminds me I’m James Franco. Then we dance.
The heart and soul of sex is the physical heat it creates between two bodies. Sometimes playful, sometimes passionate, sometimes pure and sweet, this skin-to-skin connection renews your bond and strengthens chemistry.
Naked I came into the world, naked I shall go out of it! And a very good thing too, for it reminds me that I am naked under my shirt, whatever its colour.
I just think that people are so weird about nudity and the human body. Sex is not bad, naked bodies are not bad and naked bodies don't always have to be connected to sex.
'Pretty Little Liars,' you know, it's a teen show that grew to be something bigger. I think you had girls from ages 7 to, like, 20 watching the show, and that was the predominant audience. Then it grew to be for girls, boys, men, women, people who are 7 to 35. I think that's crazy.
Little girls need someone to look up to - and little boys need strong women to look up to, as well. I don't think your heroes should be relegated to someone who's the same sex or from the same background as you. Little boys should grow up wanting to be like Serena Williams.
In some parts of the world, that sex selection for boys - and it's usually for boys - reflects sex discrimination against girls, and it leads to very large imbalances - in China, in Korea, in India - in the population between boys and girls, a vast disproportion of boys to girls, and it reflects really this discriminatory attitude toward girls.
Only in sex the noise sometimes stops. I say "sometimes". If you have become habitual in sex also, as husbands and wives become, then it never stops. The whole act becomes automatic and the mind goes on its own. Then sex also is a boredom.
Brahmacharya is not against sex. If it is against sex then sex can never disappear. Brahmacharya is a transmutation of the energy: it is not being against sex, rather it is changing the whole energy from the sex center to the higher centers. When it reaches to the seventh center of man, the sahasrar, then brahmacharya happens. If it remains in the first center, muladhar, then sex; when it reaches to the seventh center, then samadhi. The same energy moves. It is not being against it; rather, it is an art how to use it.
It was strange to be naked in front of anybody. It was like that cold water out there in the bay: scary, you didn’t think you could stand it, but then you plunged in and pretty soon you got used to it. There was enough hiding in life. Sometimes you just wanted to show somebody your tits.
Warriorship is so tender, without skin, without tissue, naked and raw. It is soft and gentle. You have renounced putting on a new suit of armor. You have renounced growing a thick, hard skin. You are willing to expose naked flesh, bone and marrow to the world.
I think with boys... it's all about shoes. I've seen so many little boys, and their outfits are so cute, and then their moms put kind of dorky shoes on them.
I think it's a blessing that the show [Dracula] is on a network because it forces everyone to use their imaginations and be creative. The power of suggestion comes back. So, in the sex scenes, no one is ever fully naked, but I feel the suggestion is so much sexier.
Boys do not have the language skills of little girls. Boys go to school feeling like idiots. We wonder why fifty-six percent of the enrollment at universities is female. I might consider having same-sex education. Boys from day one are pampered and feel good about themselves and then when they go to school, they feel like idiots. I would have exercise in the morning at eight. They clearly learn better after they open up their brain. Why can't we accommodate the brain and not the school?
Naked violence repels like the naked skeleton shorn of flesh, blood and the velvety skin.
The thing about sex is not that you're naked physically, but if you do it right, that you're naked emotionally.
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