A Quote by Cheryl Burke

You don't have to be a size zero to be beautiful. — © Cheryl Burke
You don't have to be a size zero to be beautiful.
The only number that would ever be enough is 0. Zero pounds, zero life, size zero, double-zero, zero point. Zero in tennis is love. I finally get it.
I've never met a size zero person. Is Paris Hilton a size zero? I've met her. She looked very thin, but she looked very healthy. She had beautiful skin.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I personally feel that the Indian body type is not cut out to be size zero. I am not size zero and I don't believe in that either.
I think size zero is extreme. Even if I starve and stop eating, I don't think I would ever reach size zero in life.
To all the girls that think you’re fat because you’re not a size zero, you’re the beautiful one, its society who’s ugly.
You shouldn't be pressured into trying to be thin by the fashion industry, because they only want models that are like human mannequins. They know that if we see an outfit on a mannequin in a shop window we will love it and want to buy it whatever size we are. That's why they have size zero models - they want to sell clothes. But you have to remember that it's not practical or possible for an everyday woman to look like that. Being size zero is a career in itself so we shouldn't try and be like them. It's not realistic and it's not healthy.
Beauty isn’t between a size zero and a size eight, it is not a number at all. It is not physical.
My first shoot was on a rooftop in swimsuits with two plus-size models who were curvy and voluptuous and beautiful, and they taught me so much about being beautiful in any shape or size.
Why would anyone want to be called a size zero or even aspire to being a zero? I don't even understand the thinking behind it, let alone the practicalities. What is all that about?
As we got further and further away, it [the Earth] dimished in size. Finally it shrank to the size of a marble, the most beautiful you can imagine. That beautiful, warm, living object looked so fragile, so delicate, that if you touched it with a finger it would crumble and fall apart. Seeing this has to change a man.
If [Donald Trump] is paid zero [taxes], that means zero for troops, zero for vets, zero for schools or health.
A zero itself is nothing, but without a zero you cannot count anything; therefore, a zero is something, yet zero.
I felt the term 'plus size' was inaccurate and kept all these beautiful, stunning women with the widest spectrum of body types I've ever seen - mind you, curvy agencies start at a size 6 and go up to a size 18 - from being seen and resonated with.
It's important to me, no matter what size I am or weight I am, to feel beautiful. Even at my biggest I was rocking body con dresses and you couldn't tell me twice. That's what I think Good American is. It's about women of individuality and diversity, but also about being comfortable in yourself. That's what we're trying to promote. It's not about fitting into a size two and that's what makes you beautiful. I just want people to be healthy and love who they are and be in control of your life. But that doesn't mean you have to be a size six.
Hey girls, you're beautiful. Whether you're a size 32 or a size 18. As long as you're a good person. As long as you respect others and yourself. Don't listen to those fashion magazines. Hey girls, you're beautiful
My trainer taught me, because he's Iranian, and that's a beautiful snack [pistachios]. I have some with me, actually, in my bag. You could eat that on a plane instead of the salted nuts. And a serving size a day is the size of your hand, not the size of your head!
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