A Quote by Chevy Chase

Any good actor has to have a good sense of humour, too; they have to be able to manipulate people. — © Chevy Chase
Any good actor has to have a good sense of humour, too; they have to be able to manipulate people.
It's all rot that they put in the war-news about the good humour of the troops, how they are arranging dances almost before they are out of the front-line. We don't act like that because we are in a good humour: we are in a good humour because otherwise we should go to pieces.
You hear people talking about a Scottish sense of humour, or a Glaswegian sense of humour, all sorts of countries and cities think that they've got this thing that they're funny. I read about the Liverpudlian sense of humour and I was like, 'Aye? What's that then?' You get that and you especially hear about a dark Glaswegian sense of humour.
Anupam can make you feel good in any situation. His sense of humour and connection with people makes him special. We both are real people and have not picked up the airs of stardom.
We seem to have lost our British sense of humour. It's a great shame. We have to be so careful nowadays; we have lost a lot of humour because people are too frightened of getting too near touchy subjects.
I think any good singer needs to be a good actor. You have to be able to tell the story.
Common sense and a sense of humour are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humour is just common sense, dancing. Those who lack humour are without judgment and should be trusted with nothing.
Comedy is the most difficult. Comic timing is something which you either have it in you, or you don't. You have to have a good sense of humour to be able to understand it. A split second can make you lose the punch.
I have a good sense of humor. I'm not Martin Lawrence by any means. I'm a little too country to be Chris Rock. But I fancy myself as being somebody with a good sense of humor.
A man of knowing attains to a sense of humour. Let this always be remembered. If you see someone who has no sense of humour, know well that that man has not known at all. If you come across a serious man, then you can be certain that he is a pretender. Knowing brings sincerity but all seriousness disappears. Knowing brings a playfulness; knowing brings a sense of humour. The sense of humour is a must.
Australian people are dope. They're so fun. They want to just have a good time, and they have a great sense of humour.
I think I have got a very good sense of humour; other people don't, but I do. I also laugh at my own jokes.
It's shameful to admit, but it's been a bit of a lifelong affair, and I do now feel I'm as good as it gets. I'm honourable, kind, friendly, warm, intelligent, generous, and I've got a good sense of humour.
People still talk about a British sense of humour, or French slapstick or how the Germans have no sense of humour - and it's just rubbish. I do strongly feel that we are all the bloody same.
There was never a good biography of a good novelist. There couldn't be. He is too many people if he's any good.
A good marriage is loving someone in a lot of different circumstances. Respect for them and their views and ideas and the life that they're leading with you. Shared values and interests. A good sense of humour. And a little volatility along the way.
Australians are geniuses with a good sense of humour.
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