A Quote by Choi Si-won

The most important parts of fashion to me are confidence and expressing who I am. — © Choi Si-won
The most important parts of fashion to me are confidence and expressing who I am.
I can finally see that all the terrible parts of my life, the embarrassing parts, the incidents I wanted to pretend never happened, and the things that make me "weird" and "different," were actually the most important parts of my life. They were the parts that made me ME.
Believing in yourself you gain confidence, which allows you to relax. Relaxation is one of the most important parts about acting.
Most important, do not ever think that you and God are separate. Think always, "God is with me; He is inside me; He is around me. All there is is God. I myself am God. I am the Infinite, the Eternal. I am not two; I am one, only one. There is no one else besides me. I and God are one and the same." To realize this Unity, the first step is to develop Self-confidence. It comes when you realize that God is not outside of you.
I believe that the universe is one being, all its parts are different expressions of the same energy... parts of one organic whole.... (This is physics, I believe, as well as religion.) The parts change and pass, or die, people and races and rocks and stars; none of them seems to me important in itself, but only the whole. This whole is in all its parts so beautiful, and is felt by me to be so intensely in earnest, that I am compelled to love it, and to think of it as divine.
The five most important words a leader can speak are - 'I am proud of you' The four most important are - 'What is your opinion?' The three most important are - 'If you please' The two most important are - 'Thank You' And the most important single word of all is - 'You'
For me, the most important thing that I am meticulous about when it comes to fashion is fit. I want something that fits perfectly for my body type and fits perfectly for who I am as a person from the inside out.
I think I am obsessed with Lucie Rie. I love the way she collaborated with Miyake, who for me is probably the most important fashion designer of the 20th century.
I've always been very interested in fashion, but it is extremely important to me that the social and environment issues associated with the production of fashionable clothing are addressed. Made-By carries out really important work in transforming the fashion industry, and I am thrilled to support the organisation and help raise awareness of these ongoing issues.
My lyrics are about same-sex relationships, because that's who I am. It was important to me that I felt comfortable expressing myself.
After my mom died, there was so much written about her fashion and her style and all that, and I felt that one of the most important parts of her was missing, her real intellectual curiosity.
One of the most frustrating parts about songwriting for me is production, but it makes me want to get better at it and ends up being one of the most rewarding parts of it.
I am not a good professional of fashion. I am not an expert about how clothes are constructed or the history of fashion. I never start with fashion. I always think of the girl and her personality - because all that matters to me when you look at a page is, "Do you want to be that girl?"
I am excited by this collaboration: this is the first time H&M involves a Fashion Director in a special project. This is the sign of an important evolution in fashion, and I am both thrilled and humbled to be the one chosen to lead it. I wanted to create precious accessories that are impossible to find. As a stylist I know accessorization is essential: it is the personal touch to any outfit. With these pieces everybody can have fun, turning an ordinary day into a fantastic fashion day
The new fashion is to talk about the most private parts of your life; other fashion is to repent of your excesses and to criticize the drugs that made you happy in the other times.
Everything that went on in my life... it was super important for me to have Camden first. And by that I mean my son and to have that relationship with my son to give me that quiet confidence that I needed as a mother and as a woman. Now with Brooklyn, I am just so at ease; I am so comfortable.
I am expressing myself truthfully. That is an important thing.
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