A Quote by Chris Bauer

The idea of a regular-looking guy who is the lead of something - whether it's a movie or a show - is something that I really hope I can grow towards. — © Chris Bauer
The idea of a regular-looking guy who is the lead of something - whether it's a movie or a show - is something that I really hope I can grow towards.
I always think that's really lazy, when I'm watching a TV show or a movie or something, and there's a flashback and the idea is, 'This one moment is the reason that everything happened. This character saw this guy, and this guy said this thing to him, and that's why he is this way.' Because I think in real life, it's not so one-to-one.
There's a couple of movie parts that I can't remember. There was always something kind of lurking, because when 'The Office' started, I wasn't a regular. You're a guest star, so they don't really need you. They didn't say that, but I've seen the show - with or without me, it's still funny.
I'm so grateful that the Internet and the DVD came along because, otherwise, something like 'Freaks And Geeks' would have been dead. At the time we made the show, those avenues weren't really available, and the idea of the show carrying on after it was canceled was something that didn't really happen.
There's something really powerful about comedy. When the little guy, the comedian, punches up towards the big guy, or Trump, exposing him, calling out the emperor for having no clothes, that's really important.
The relationship between looking and desire is really about the promise of revelation - the hope that the subject of your gaze will reveal something to you - whether or not that revelation is prurient. And that's really what eroticism is - the anticipation of disclosure.
I think most teen comedies are probably played in a way that aren't geared towards people that are wanting to be entertained but also [see] something that has a lot of heart to it. The things we do in the movie - it has a lot of heart, and also it's really smart. The people and the characters that we are, we're really intelligent people that are using our tactics to get back at a guy. The moral of being who you are, and trusting yourself, finding your inner strength - I think that's something that most teen movies don't really dial into.
Every movie I do, or when I'm on the sketch comedy show, I don't really get into it until I have an outfit or something funny with my head or face or something.
A good date is someone who's creative, somebody who thinks of something. Whether it's a show, whether it's a certain place for dinner, don't just be the average run-of-the-mill guy.
'Brotherhood of the Wolf' is a very important movie because it represents something new. The director Christophe Gans came up with the idea of taking a French legend and making it some kind of really strange, almost Chinese action movie. The result is something that I haven't seen anywhere before.
I think doing something of your life is something that you've got deep inside, whether it's to, whether you want to be an astronaut or a, whether you want to do science, or whether you want to be a movie star, or whatever.
I think doing something of your life is something that you've got deep inside, whether it's to, whether you want to be an astronaut or a, whether you want to do science, or whether you want to be a movie star, or whatever
The idea that you can make one speech or one movie, or express a thought or show the injustice of a particular time, you hope that it resonates, and you hope that resonance will last. You hope that it would create change.
I really want a movie made on Sachin Tendulkar's life. That is something I'm looking forward to. There will be so much emotion to that movie.
Football is something I enjoy doing, something I'm well-paid to do, and obviously that's a great privilege, but I'm just trying to be happy, and if there's an opportunity to do something fun, then I'll just do it. I don't hold back; I just want to be a regular guy.
I really love movie soundtracks and stuff like that. That's really a huge part of any movie. I actually think about... that this would be cool in a movie or something, like when I'm writing a song, or something you know?
What I'm looking for in my career, you know? You're looking for those lightning bolts of inspiration where someone says something that sparks an idea or suggests something strange.
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