A Quote by Chris Brogan

Celebrate small victories often. Mourn failures quickly. Do what's necessary without fanfare. — © Chris Brogan
Celebrate small victories often. Mourn failures quickly. Do what's necessary without fanfare.
What is important is not that you have a defeat but how you react to it. There is always the possibility to transform a defeat into something else, something new, something strong. All the good stories, all the people we remember are the ones who do this, who make victories out of their failures. Because the victories teach nothing. The victories are not useful. They are often dangerous.
Celebrate even small victories.
Don't be ashamed to celebrate victories that may seem small to others. Only you and God know what they really cost.
People have to realize that dieting is not a sprint, it's a marathon. If you celebrate the small victories, you will eventually win the war.
I think one of the keys is to celebrate intelligent failures and when things don't work, learn from those. Celebrate learning more than we celebrate the failure itself.
Win without boasting, lose without excuses - internalize your failures and externalize your victories.
A big, spectacular thing can frequently be accomplished quickly. Quality usually takes longer. Fanfare and fireworks are not part of quality; therefore, only those who know true values are attracted to it. But when fanfare and fireworks are over, quality will remain.
While the coach is entitled to celebrate the team's victories, there is a manner and a way of doing so without aggravating the opponent.
While the coach is entitled to celebrate the team's victories, there is a manner and a way of doing so without aggravating the opponent
Confident people tend to challenge themselves and compete, even when their efforts yield small victories. Small victories build new androgen receptors in the areas of the brain responsible for reward and motivation.
It's important to celebrate your failures as much as your successes. If you celebrate your failures really well, and if you get to the motto and say, 'Wow, I failed, I tried, I was wrong, I learned something,' then you realize you have no fear, and when your fear goes away, you can move the world.
Say to all small and great, and that often, that fully, quickly and willingly, without grumbling and contradiction, they do all your commands that are not against God.
Look for small victories and build on that. Each small victory, even if it is just getting up five minutes earlier, gives you confidence. You realize that these little victories make you feel great, and you keep going. You realize that being paralyzed by fear of failure is worse than failure.
They truly mourn, that mourn without a witness.
You should always celebrate your successes because someone else will celebrate your failures.
Too often we make the mistake of remembering what we should forget-our hurts, failures and disappointments -and we forget what we should remember-our victories, accomplishments and the times we have made it through.
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