A Quote by Chris Evans

Lost luggage is just an opportunity to start afresh. — © Chris Evans
Lost luggage is just an opportunity to start afresh.
The trees are coming into leaf Like something almost being said; The recent buds relax and spread, Their greenness is a kind of grief. Is it that they are born again And we grow old? No, they die too. Their yearly trick of looking new Is written down in rings of grain. Yet still the unresting castles thresh In fullgrown thickness every May. Last year is dead, they seem to say, Begin afresh, afresh, afresh.
I was trampled to death by a man who believed his luggage would be the first piece off. If he were an experienced traveler, he would know that the first piece of luggage belongs to no one. It's just a dummy suitcase to give everyone hope.
A work settles nothing, just as the labor of a whole generation settles nothing. Sons, and the morrow, always start afresh.
I hate flying, airports and the whole rigmarole - queuing up, security and lost luggage.
The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage.
I personally go to the airport looking like a homeless person, because I think people will leave me alone. But I dress myself with my luggage - all my luggage matches.
My idea of chilling is to detox, and after you complete a project, there's so much to unlearn and start afresh.
So long as you have courage and a sense of humor, it is never too late to start life afresh.
If the plane lost all my luggage, and I was somewhere sunny like Ibiza, I would just get a bikini, shorts, T-shirt, and sandals. If it was somewhere colder like New York, I'd go for jeans, jacket, and a pair of Louboutins.
I'm a very light packer. I don't like checking in luggage. I only like hand luggage.
Each young reader has to fashion an entirely new 'reading circuit' afresh every time. There is no one neat circuit just waiting to unfold. This means that the circuit can become more or less developed depending on the particulars of the learner: e.g., instruction, culture, motivation, educational opportunity.
Frank once slipped something into the pocket of a luggage handler at the airport and said: "Have a drink on me." The luggage handler later found out it was a tea bag.
If I have to start my career afresh, I would like to repeat everything, good or bad, which I did in the past 33 years.
Time is the only luxury. It's the only thing you can't get back. If you lose your luggage - I'm not gonna say the obvious brand of luggage that I'd normally say because I've got a meeting with them soon - if you lose your expensive luggage at the airport, you can get that back. You can't get the time back.
I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way (s)he handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.
Just because you're starting from something which you know - a theory which you know is right and trying to further develop your understand of that theory is maybe a more fruitful thing to do than trying to just throw all that out and start afresh with something more speculative.
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