A Quote by Chris Geere

I never really excelled in any particular subject, but I was just alright at all of them. I never really knew what I wanted to do until I discovered drama. — © Chris Geere
I never really excelled in any particular subject, but I was just alright at all of them. I never really knew what I wanted to do until I discovered drama.
I never chased after any particular school, never really had mentors; I really just did the work that was true to me.
I've never wanted to grow up too fast. I wanted to wear a sports bra until I was 22! ... The allure of being sexy never really held any excitement for me. I've never been in a terrible rush to be seen as a woman.
I knew I wanted to go to college and I wanted to study it acting, so I just looked for the best school that I could get into. Luckily, I had very supportive parents. I went to a conservatory that is basically drama school. You take one English class and one history class for four years but you don't take any other science or anything like that. It's strictly, from 7am until night, all acting. It's a lot. Some people find it too much, but for me I was preparing for a career and I never really looked back.
I really wanted to do a comedy. I've done a lot of drama, and comedy was the one genre I was not being offered. So I became obsessive about getting one. I tried with two little parts in comedies that were more mainstream, I was kind of fumbling around, and then I read The Brothers Bloom and knew it was the one I wanted to jump into. Did it take adjusting? Actually, it's not really any different from doing drama.
I was told that I don't understand radio, should go into sales and all this. It was only my desire and love for what I wanted to do and what I was doing that kept me plugging away. I never at any time was motivated by an "I'll show them" attitude. Never was I motivated by, "I'll show them," that wasn't it. I just loved it. It was what I wanted to do. I was lucky to learn early in life what I wanted to do, and I knew how to define success, even though by the time I'm 33 I still hadn't had any. I was just on the verge of it, and I'd been working since I was 16.
My parents are really, really talented and really good at what they do, so I've always learned from watching them. But their style is something that you can't really learn. They never went to drama school and neither did I.
Throughout my career, I've never really been a guy who created drama or wanted to deal with drama.
I never wanted to be the lead on a TV drama. It just robs you of your life, really.
I never really planned on any of this being a career; all I knew for sure was that I wanted to create, I wanted to play music, and I wanted to share music.
I have two wonderful, supportive and very practical parents who were like, you're really talented and really creative. You should be a lawyer because there's a safe path there. And I knew that I was never going to be a lawyer. And I knew that I wanted to make movies, and I wanted to write shows.
When I decided to go to university I didn't know what I wanted to do. When I had an opportunity to take an elective I took Drama by chance, even though I'd never taken a Drama course or even been in a play in high school. Two years later I was majoring in Drama and I knew I wanted to be an actor.
I never heard of anyone who was really literate or who ever really loved books who wanted to suppress any of them.
I never wanted to do Shakespeare; I never liked watching it, it's always frightened me, and I've never been any good at it. But I really wanted to work with the director Tim Carroll and Mark Rylance.
I never questioned I would have any trouble doing what I wanted to do. I'm not talking about getting to a certain position - or to success. It was just that I knew I wanted to act, and that I would make my living that way. Having the unconditional support of your parents is really freeing.
I started acting when I was really young. I knew I wanted to be in the industry in other ways. I knew that I wanted to do more than just act. I don't know that I knew it was screenwriting, but I just knew that I wanted to be involved.
I miss those days when I could just walk around under the radar and no one really knew who I was until I wanted them to know.
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