A Quote by Chris Gethard

Shows are my saving grace. In between actual jobs, the only thing that keeps me sane is the knowledge that I can go up on stages. — © Chris Gethard
Shows are my saving grace. In between actual jobs, the only thing that keeps me sane is the knowledge that I can go up on stages.
Love is the only thing that keeps me sane.
I only box. It's the only thing that keeps me sane. I can't just go to the gym and run. I'd rather die. I played volleyball and rode horses my entire life, so just, like, moving to a city and having to go the gym was just, like, so weird for me.
You know early on when you're given a gift that can keep you sane. That's what acting does for me. It keeps me honest and keeps me sane.
My friends and I are crazy. That's the only thing that keeps us sane!
Music kept me sane between acting jobs.
I don't mind being laughed at: that's something I really don't mind, and I think that's kept me sane. My ability to laugh at myself and allow others to laugh at me has been my saving grace.
Music is my therapy and my straitjacket. Music keeps me sane and keeps my mind on something. It's fragile up there.
The only difference between the sane and the insane is that the sane have the power to lock up the insane.
Only my insanity keeps me sane in today's world.
I don't dare touch her. Loss is a knowledge I'm sorry to have. Perhaps the only thing worse than experiencing it, is watching it replay anew in someone else--all the awful stages picking up like a chorus that has to be sung.
All along we find that social life - religion, politics, art - reflects the stages reached in the development of the knowledge of self; it shows the social uses made of this knowledge.
Why are you still with me, Fry?" CyFi asks after one of his body-shaking seizures. "Any sane dude woulda taken off days ago. "Who says I'm sane?" "Oh, you're sane, Fry. You're so sane, you scare me. You're so sane, it's insane.
In L.A., if you're in improv, and you're on those stages, all the big agents and managers and producers are watching those shows. They're not flying to Chicago to see the show. People are booking jobs off the stages in L.A. who aren't more talented than the guys in Chicago. But the most guys book out of L.A., and the second is New York.
It is grace at the beginning, and grace at the end. So that when you and I come to lie upon our death beds, the one thing that should comfort and help and strengthen us there is the thing that helped us in the beginning. Not what we have been, not what we have done, but the Grace of God in Jesus Christ our Lord. The Christian life starts with grace, it must continue with grace, it ends with grace. Grace wondrous grace. By the grace of God I am what I am. Yet not I, but the Grace of God which was with me.
When my husband of almost 20 years can’t take his eyes off me? That’s amazing. But the number one reason I go to the gym is because it keeps me sane; I can deal with whatever’s coming at me.
It's possible that Trump will have success by staging jobs theatre, rather than creating jobs. It's the inverse of what Obama did: saving an enormous amount of jobs without having the televised theatre to go along with it.
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