A Quote by Chris Grayling

I do not believe that as a country we are completely ill-prepared for no-deal Brexit. It is not the optimal solution it is not the best outcome for Britain, we will do much better than people expect.
I will always believe that my vote, and the votes of my Lib Dem colleagues, are the best thing I can do to save this country from a no-deal Brexit and save it from Boris Johnson.
I believe that Theresa May is going to end up with a botched Brexit that will satisfy no one and make sure that calls for a people's vote on the final Brexit deal will only get louder.
There is no form of Brexit that will be good for our country but a no-deal Brexit will be the most catastrophic of them all.
A no deal Brexit could bring Britain to a grinding halt and threaten the wellbeing of our country.
Only Boris Johnson will get the best Brexit deal for Britain, defeat Jeremy Corbyn's divisive shambles of an opposition, and govern the United Kingdom in the national interest.
Thankfully, roads have opened that could lead us out of this Brexit crisis. One obvious solution, which is fast gaining support, is to hand the issue back to the country. I would add that we also need formally to take no deal Brexit off the table, because that way lies chaos and disaster.
I have zero tolerance for people who don't come completely prepared. I expect contribution, I expect attendance, and I expect directors to take trips and visit the company's programs.
A Brexit with a poor outcome will damage our country and lead to years of further division.
Labour are a danger to our security and our economy and are wholly incapable of negotiating the best Brexit deal for Britain.
Brexit is a cliff, not a gradient. The mistake we are in danger of making is to believe that some Brexits are better than others when the fundamental problem is Brexit itself.
Britain deserves better than people who say they've got a quick fix but won't tell you what it actually means for Britain, we need a much bigger conversation than this.
Calling into question the Touquet deal on the pretext that Britain has voted for Brexit and will have to start negotiations to leave the union doesn't make sense.
Britain needs a good Brexit deal to safeguard jobs, security and trade and to build a new partnership with the E.U. Achieving this will be fiendishly difficult.
I fear a very hard Brexit, but I hope we will find a better solution.
I have been told by people close to Trump that "Brexit Britain" is the only foreign policy issue that interests him, because he thinks the UK referendum paved the way for him. He hopes to help Britain leave the EU, and possibly to damage the EU, by offering a trade deal.
I am not convinced that the U.S. is more religious than Britain. Even if more people go to church in America, I think the U.S. is a much more secular country than Britain.
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