A Quote by Chris Long

I do have great memories from when my pops got inducted. Obviously, knowing him and knowing how hard he worked in pro football for so long and what he sacrificed, the physical side of it, the injuries, and the grinding and now eight years into the NFL you know what hard work that is.
Knowing that things are going to slow down in the future, no matter what, that allows me to work hard now, make hay while the sun is shining and knowing that - while momentum is rolling - we have to hit it hard.
I didn't work hard for success. I worked hard because that's what is in me. I showed up in this world somehow knowing that you have to work hard. You can't just have a thought. You have to follow the thought through.
I've got to work really hard and I know exactly what I've achieved because I know how hard I've worked, and I make sure to work as hard as I absolutely possibly can, because I know that's the only shot I have at being successful.
In 1948, I began coaching basketball at UCLA. Each hour of practice we worked very hard. Each day we worked very hard. Each week we worked very hard. Each season we worked very hard. Four fourteen years we worked very hard and didn't win a national championship. However, a national championship was won in the fifteenth year. Another in the sixteenth. And eight more in the following ten years.
I've been eight years with this beautiful little thing and I've got a partner for him now. After eight years of trying to unify the titles, it's going to be pretty hard to give this up.
I can't tell you how hard I worked the last year. In fact, I worked so hard that I know I can't maintain that same work level in 2001, so I've got to quit something.
... the next war will be a war in which people not armies will suffer, and our boasted, hard-earned civilization will do us no good. Cannot the women rise to this great opportunity and work now, and not have the double horror, if another war comes, of losing their loved ones, and knowing that they lifted no finger when they might have worked hard?
I played with Mike Dunleavy Jr., and we got a great relationship on the Warriors. Knowing him and now knowing his dad, all I know is he's a man of his word. Anything that he's ever said to me has been honest and I respect that.
You obviously never know when you have a lot of changes to a team, but the new guys have come in here and they look great. They work hard. But the league is so competitive now so it's hard to predict.
When Johnny came to Baltimore the same time I came we were rookies. He did have some pro experience. He did go with the Pittsburgh Steelers and they cut him. I had no pro experience. My thing was that hey I got to make this team. Johnny Unitas wasn't Johnny Unitas.He was just like every other quarterback. You couldn't see the things we know that evolved out of that years later. As the years went on I could really start to see him settle in that position. Fortunately for Johnny U., Weeb Ewbank was there and he worked with his quarterbacks. He had them knowing every aspect of the game.
I think it's easiest to teach by example. My dad didn't tell us to work hard; we just saw how hard he worked. I know I have shortcomings - like a short fuse - but I've learned you can't come home from a long day of work and snap at the kids.
I started in my pro debut in a leisure centre in front of a couple of hundred people and I just worked hard for the last eight or nine years of my professional career.
I think swagger's a confidence. It's a confidence of you knowing that you work hard for your success. A lot of times, you can't develop swagger if you haven't worked hard to succeed.
I'm very comfortable knowing how hard I have worked in the later stages of my career.
I just feel like the world is our oyster. I grew up knowing that my mother is a journalist and was one of the first bureau chiefs I think ever at the New York Times. Hearing these stories of how hard it was for her, and yet knowing how easy it is for me right now is just remarkable.
I really became a hardcore Batman fan when I was eight years old. What was clear to me, the reason I liked him better than Superman or Spider-Man or the Hulk or whoever, was the fact that he was human, and I could identify with him, and I really believed in that character strongly. In my heart of hearts, when I was eight years old, I believed that if I studied real hard, and worked out real hard, and if my dad bought me a cool car, I could be this guy.
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