A Quote by Chris Mullin

What you do is build your team around your core. Some teams have one main guy - not many, but some do - and you build around that. If you have a bunch of good players, that's another way to go about it - through depth, teamwork, defense, and fundamentals.
I have a lot of admiration for those who build tactical systems, but I always thought the most important thing a good coach must do is build the team around the characteristics of his players.
I think you build a team and a roster around the depth. That's what makes a team really good.
I've been on some really good teams, but we weren't able to get over the hump. It's offense, defense and special teams, and then the ball has to go your way.
The way you build trust with your team is around super-clear communication in that instant when they say, 'I will be sad if you don't do X.' You have to say, 'We're not going to do X, and here's why, and believe me, you'll be much sadder later if I let you go do it and you spend a bunch of time on it and nothing ever happens.'
More and more teams are using almost exclusively the draft to build their teams. And that means you have younger players to develop in those key depth positions. Younger players are more susceptible to streaks than veterans. They go up, they go down.
From the standpoint that you try to adjust your offense to your quarterback, you try to adjust your football team around your players. You do the best you can with the hand that you have, and you've got to add some parts along the way.
I kind of build a novel the way marine polyps build a coral reef, it's millions and millions of little precarious bodies stacked on one another. And in my case, that's thousands of minutes I go through to get from one scene to the next and build it that way.
You have to build your core nucleus of your team through your draft. What that does is you basically introduce them to your culture and your environment. Then, as guys begin to perform and play to that level, then you say, 'You know what? You guys deserve an extension, so here it is.'
Don't try to kid yourself that your game is about pace if it isn't. If you're a big guy like me you need to look at how similarly built players use that physical presence to influence a game. Accept that your build may have some limitations - but plenty of plus points too.
If you put down a good, solid foundation and build one room after another, pretty soon you have a house. You build in your speedwork, your pace and increase your ability to run races and think races out. Then it's possible to run the way we do.
Some teams have a nucleus to build around. The Falcons barely have an embryo. So if you see suspicious looking wires running from the locker room to Dimitroff's office, and the general manager pushes down on the plunger as early as today, don't feel the need to cover your eyes. You've already seen the worst.
Build a good name. Keep your name clean. Don't make compromises. Don't worry about making a bunch of money or being successful. Be concerned with doing good work and make the right choices and protect your work. And if you can build a good name, eventually, that name will be its own currency.
To be in a situation where you have another year on your deal and the team still wants to extend that - they see your value, they want you in the building, and they want to build around you - that speaks volumes. That's very, very important to a player like me.
I want to be a guy the Royals build their team around.
I feel like I've done a pretty good job of scaling because I got some great mentors along the way that helped me realize I just have to build a phenomenal team around me that makes my job a lot easier.
As an African-American athlete, you get discouraged that this type of thing is still condoned in people's lives. You look at a situation where we're good enough to work for you, but not good enough to be around you. To build a franchise, good enough to build business for you, but not good enough to mingle amongst your circles.
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