A Quote by Chris Wilder

I've come across people who look smart in a suit who haven't really got a lot underneath. Football is an unforgiving business and you're easily found out if you're a bit of a fraud.
When I find someone I respect writing about an edgy, nervous wine that dithered in the glass, I cringe. When I hear someone I don't respect talking about an austere, unforgiving wine, I turn a bit austere and unforgiving myself. When I come across stuff like that and remember about the figs and bananas, I want to snigger uneasily. You can call a wine red, and dry, and strong, and pleasant. After that, watch out.
We've got to look at waste, fraud, and abuse across the board.
Football's football. You're going to come across the good and the bad, but you've got to take it all in your stride.
I met the most extraordinary people all over the Pacific, but especially the people in Vanuatu who, in a material sense, are the poorest people I've ever come across. They own nothing, but in a well-being sense, they are easily the wealthiest people that I've come across.
The music business is filled with some nice people but a lot of strange people, so when you come across someone who's really genuine at an environment as bizarre as an awards show, you typically gravitate to them.
The college students come out and they’re doing something for the first time, so by definition it’s dramatic for the most part, but most people don’t jump out of the airplane or sign up to become a French clown. That’s not the move they’re mostly making. They’re mostly making things a little bit better where they are and so to make things a little better where you are, you really got to get underneath what’s bugging you, what is working for you.
To do business with a friend is difficult. The business itself is so stressful, so if you're havin' a bad day you can easily take it out on somebody, and then you takin' it out on somebody can easily turn into a blowup. It's weird, because you might really get to know a person by doin' business with them, then you probably decide you don't even wanna be around them, and that can really launch it off.
I'm really pretty much a regular person who just got very lucky. I got involved early on in my life with a lot of wonderful people who helped me and guided me. I found out what I really liked to do and that was sing. And I had a lot of help to accomplish most of my goals.
All I care about is football and make myself available and sometimes you know, football is a violent game and it's very unforgiving. Stuff happens and you just got to kind of deal with it.
Obviously we've got a lot of science behind football these days and we've got a lot of people that can advise us on how best to look after our bodies.
I thought, "Wow, it sounds really stoned anyway." It sounded good to me. I found out that there was a lot in there. What all this comes down to is I was just trying to get in touch with myself. And I met some interesting people in New York who weren't in show business. I even got to know my dentist.
Because I couldn't cook, I used to take out a lot. I put on a bit of weight and it used to affect my football, so when the gaffer found out, I had to go on a mini boot camp in the season.
A lot of smart young people have come out of Indiana. The smarter they are, the faster they come out
A lot of the dysfunction that exists underneath the surface of a lot of big business corporations is really profound.
I had people who were around me, people that I put a lot of trust in that sort of messed me over. So after that I said, only I can look back over my life and say I was responsible for whom I hired. I was responsible for how I managed my money. So I decided I wanted to do it myself. I understood the business of football. And because I can understand the business of football, I decided it's the best decision for me to be an agent. It made the most sense and I think a lot of players are opening their eyes to it as well.
Every time a player goes out to ply his trade he's got to play from the ground up - from the soles of his feet right up to his head. Every inch of him has to play. Some guys play with their heads. That's O.K. You've got to be smart to be Number One in any business. But more important, you've got to play with you heart - with every fiber of your body. If you're lucky enough to find a guy with a lot of head and a lot of heart, he's never going to come off the field second.
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