A Quote by Christen Press

Staying grounded, eating healthy, doing yoga, staying out of the sun to protect my skin - I think that the daily decisions we make to protect our bodies are the best ways we can care for them.
I stay out of the sun, and if I'm in the sun, I'm wearing SPF. I protect my skin as much as I can; I learned that a long time ago. I also exercise every day and I get the endorphins going. It's important not only for my physical self but also for my mental self and my emotional self. I'm healthy, I eat well most of the time, I take care of myself and I drink a lot of water. But I also enjoy myself. Taking care of yourself doesn't have to be painful, it's about finding the right balance, I think.
For some people, staying grounded means doing yoga. For others, it's spending time with family. Social media, too, can be a lifesaver.
I don't chase the perfect figure. I'd rather focus on staying and eating healthy. A combination of running, swimming, yoga and circuit training works brilliantly for my body.
The role of the federal government is to protect our liberties. That means they should protect our religious liberties to do what we want; our intellectual liberty, but it also should protect our right to do to our body what we want, you know, what we take into our bodies.
I use Meaningful Beauty for my daily skincare regime. The system helps to restore, protect, revitalize and renew my skin. Using it daily along with avoiding the sun, not smoking, drinking a lot of water, and getting enough sleep is key to looking and feeling good at any age!
The CFPB has an obligation to protect our seniors, protect our frontline workers, protect our service workers, and protect our families by developing tools to combat predatory debt collection practices.
Aside from eating healthy and taking care of my body, I've always been passionate about skincare. It's an essential part of my daily regimen, which is why I decided to create my own skincare line, DEVONNE by Demi. When my skin is clean, I feel my best!
One of the main secrets to staying young is staying healthy. I've sometimes had to suppress a smile when some young lady, who has obviously not taken care of herself through diet or exercise, says admiringly, 'Ooh, I hope I look as good as you do when I'm your age!' Although it's intended to be complimentary, it's actually a back-hander.
I think our responsibility as political leaders today, is to push our economic leaders to change their investment behavior, to decide new things, and to help workers to change their jobs. And I think the mistake that Donald Trump decided to make is exactly the mistake we made in France and in Europe. Which was to resist to the change in order to protect the old jobs. What we have to protect is people, not jobs. If you want to protect people, you retrain them.
If a woman is saying something out loud, she is asking for help, and you have no business to character assassinating her. You have to reach out to her and help her and protect her, and I think we need to protect our women, and we need to protect our children.
Staying healthy through movement and eating well gives you tons of energy and helps mold the skills that allow you to achieve goals from playing soccer to doing a tough homework assignment to writing a song.
Sometimes things fall in your lap and sometimes you really carve them out. I've found that songs I really like can happen both ways. I've also been trying to learn when to step away and take a break and when to keep pushing through. For me it's a delicate balance of staying inspired and staying consistent, and I'm still trying to figure it out.
You hear the term "staying grounded" a lot when you're coming up in the movie industry and it's the one word I don't really understand because it implies being tethered almost and I don't like that. Why stay grounded? You might as well become a complete eccentric, float off into the sky and burn yourself on the sun and go crazy.
It's about just staying fit, staying strong and staying ready.
The point of yoga is to develop a level of clarity and self-understand ing so that when we’re done doing our yoga practice we make really good decisions, because that will determine whether we’re fulfilled. Not the quality of our poses. But really the yoga is what happens when we’re done practicing yoga.
Let me tell you, a vacation's not a vacation unless it involves the beach. And because of that, I'm super careful with my skin and make sure to protect it. I always sit under an umbrella. And I'm a sunblock bully. If you're on the beach with me, I will spray you down with SPF 50-plus. Latinos, especially, think that we don't burn or don't get sun damage because of our darker skin. And it's not true. We are just as susceptible to melanoma as everyone else.
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