A Quote by Christian Horner

There are no ultimatums for Renault other than we want to improve as quickly as we can. — © Christian Horner
There are no ultimatums for Renault other than we want to improve as quickly as we can.
I even had success with commercials, which is strange, because out of the six ideas, two won the platinum Minerva in France - it's the Oscar for their commercials. One was about the Renault diesel and the other about the regular Renault.
The most encouraging thing is that with the management changes there have been at Renault, they are very open to accepting that there are issues and they need to improve.
We always have hoped that American diplomacy deploys itself in dialogue and persuasion rather than by ultimatums. That is the path we want in international relations.
I think the high-tech industry is used to developing new things very quickly. It's the Silicon Valley way of doing business: You either move very quickly and you work hard to improve your product technology, or you get destroyed by some other company.
Your credit score takes into account years of information in most cases. It's not going to improve in a day. But it may improve more quickly than you think. Generally, the last 24 months carry the most weight, so if you can keep clean for that long, you'll see a boost.
Humanity can only improve as people improve. When you have improved your life, you can inspire those around you to want to improve their lives. Remember that a few in harmony with God's will are more powerful than multitudes out of harmony.
There are always things to improve on. I want to improve on my defense, and you can never be a perfect hitter. I want to focus on just playing more and being able to improve on all parts of my game.
We have a very good relationship with Renault. They treat us with absolute parity to the works team, and there is a very good collaboration between Renault engineers and Red Bull Racing engineers.
There has always been a saying in baseball that you can't make a hitter, but I think you can improve a hitter. More than you can improve a fielder. More mistakes are made hitting than in any other part of the game.
As a part of the Renault family, I want to develop the car and write new success stories.
Obama was the first American president to see technology as an engine to improve lives and accelerate society more quickly than any government body could.
The thought of making work that's easily consumed and quickly forgotten - what's the point? I want my work to be cohesive, to age and improve like old leather.
I want to improve as a football player, but even more importantly, I really want to improve as a person.
Capt. Renault: What on Earth brought you to Casablanca? Rick Blaine: My health, I came to Casablanca for the waters. Capt. Renault: The waters? What waters? We're in the desert! Rick Blaine: I was misinformed.
With workout classes, I always want to know that I can improve with each class I take. But I don't think I'll ever master the art of peddling quickly with little resistance, at least not without feeling like I'm going to fly off the bike.
There's an old African proverb that says "If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." We have to go far - quickly. And that means we have to quickly find a way to change the world's consciousness about exactly what we're facing, and why we have to work to solve it.
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