A Quote by Christie Rampone

While traveling, I love granola bars, trail mix nuts, dry cereal and fruit for on-the-go snacks. I also try and start the day with a high fiber and protein meal, such as whole-grain toast with peanut butter.
The key to doing eight shows a week is maintaining your energy. Getting as much sleep as possible and a big, healthy breakfast is the best way to make that happen. My mainstay is granola cereal, a banana, and soy milk. I also try to add a side of fresh fruit with yogurt and peanut butter toast.
I feel better all day if I start off by eating healthy. Breakfast is simple: multigrain toast with natural peanut butter, oatmeal, yogurt, fruit, or healthy cereal.
I meal prep when I'm traveling and make sure to have three solid, high-protein and low-carb meals a day with a few snacks in between. But I try not to be too hard on myself. At the end of the day, it's all about having a healthy balance.
I love KIND bars. My favorites are coconut and almond and the dark chocolate and sea salt because staying fueled helps keep me from getting sick or injured. Bananas have also made a great comeback in my life. My kids eat them all the time on the go, which has inspired my go-to pre-run morning meal of peanut butter and banana on toast.
Ensure you eat within 20 minutes of a workout. Choose healthy snacks such as slices of ham, a handful of almonds, or fruit. Sometimes before bed, I have a teaspoon of almond butter or peanut butter, which gives me enough protein to get me through the night.
I mostly eat peanut butter sandwiches. Peanut butter and banana, peanut butter and jelly, peanut butter and potato chips, peanut butter and olives, and peanut butter and marshmallow goo. So sue me, I like peanut butter.
I love carrot cake - that's probably my favorite - and I'm obsessed with peanut butter. I eat anything with peanut butter - maybe not carrot cake with peanut butter - but, I think I got this from 'The Parent Trap': Oreos and peanut butter; I like that. And peanut butter and apples, peanut butter and chocolate.
I always start the day with a protein shake: protein powder mixed with water, peanut butter, and yoghurt to thicken it up.
Protein bars, protein flapjacks, protein granola, protein ice cream and protein coconut water... To look at the health-food aisles, you'd think that protein was a substance no one could overeat. Even bread now comes in protein-enriched form.
I literally never ate fruit or vegetables before. My diet instead revolved around ice cream, chocolate, peanut butter and jelly eaten with a spoon, pick-n-mix, and lots of cereal and pasta - I was a sugar monster.
What I love is a peanut butter and pickle sandwich. I'll just have peanut butter and bananas, then peanut butter and pickles. Peanut butter and chocolate I don't recommend.
After a workout, you definitely have to have a protein shake. I drink my six-pound whey protein all the time, too. I throw some fruit in there - strawberries, blueberries - with some peanut butter and banana, and it gives you all the recovery you need from a hard day of lifting and running.
I'm a big breakfast person: Eggs, bacon and yogurt is my go-to meal before a round. On the course, peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches are great for energy, but a protein bar works, too.
When I was 11 my friend's mom made a peanut butter sandwich. I ate the sandwich and was like, 'I'm never eating anything else again.' And I still eat peanut butter every day. I would put peanut butter on a steak.
I always have either nuts, Luna bars, or fruit in my bag. A pack of instant oatmeal is also good to carry because it's a quick, nutritious meal you can make almost anywhere.
Breakfast is Special K cereal. If I'm having a big meal, it's lunch instead of dinner. Some kind of wrap, like chicken for protein. For dinner, mainly vegetables. I mix it up if I go out to eat.
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