A Quote by Christina Milian

I make a lot of my own clothes. I don't like wearing the same thing everybody else wears. — © Christina Milian
I make a lot of my own clothes. I don't like wearing the same thing everybody else wears.
I don't follow trends - it's more of an instinct thing. Honestly, I'm kind of my own worst client. I wake up and go, "I have nothing to wear!" But that's what makes it interesting. I ask, what would make me feel good? I think it's a constant challenge because clothes are so personal. For me, my clothes are related to my mood. If I feel like I'm not wearing the right thing, I don't feel confident. I think it's in everybody's psyche.
I love wearing the exact same thing all the time because I think it makes you like a cartoon character. They always wear the same outfit and everybody always remembers them for it, so I feel like I should do the same thing.
Everyone in England knows about Burberry, and it kind of represents a standard of being well-dressed... But the nice thing is, they have a lot of clothes, so I still feel like myself whenever I'm wearing their clothes.
It never mattered to me that people in school didn't think that country music was cool, and they made fun of me for it - though it did matter to me that I was not wearing the clothes that everybody was wearing at that moment. But at some point, I was just like, 'I like wearing sundresses and cowboy boots.'
I like wearing good clothes. Some of my friends who are into making clothes told me since I was already playing with my own brand of bat sticker, I should make a foray in fashion. The idea has worked very well.
I'm partly somebody else trying to fit in and say the right things and do the right thing and be in the right place and wear what everybody else is wearing. Sometimes I think we're all trying to be shadows of each other, trying to buy the same records and everything even if we don't like them. Kids are like robots, off an assembly line, and I don't want to be a robot!
I'm the kind of person who, as much as I like clothes in real life because it's a fun expression of who you are and everybody kind of enjoys wearing things that make them...well, in movies you're wearing things that aren't necessarily the things you would choose to put on or wear.
I think the most important thing is to feel comfortable. And if you don't feel comfortable with what you're wearing it really shows. Just make sure you find your own style rather than going with what everyone else is wearing. If you feel comfortable, it's going to get you noticed in the right way. That's better than worrying about what everyone else is wearing and feeling awkward. That's the most important thing.
I've never tried to be accepted. When everyone is doing one thing, I've always had the instinct to go the other way. I don't understand how an individual with their own mind, their own values, and their own beliefs can be so willing to just follow what everybody else is doing. How can you make history doing what everybody else is doing?
I think I do my own thing. I start my own trends. I see a lot of girls doing what I've been doing. Pink. Nobody wore pink, and now everybody wears it. It's flattering.
Just make sure you find your own style rather than going with what everyone else is wearing. If you feel comfortable, it's going to get you noticed in the right way. That's better than worrying about what everyone else is wearing and feeling awkward. That's the most important thing.
I think there’s a lot of threshold weeping. Like, am I doing this? Am I really wearing this out in the world? My daughter is very much like that. She will put clothes on and her clothes just make her beside herself. They make her so sad sometimes. And you do realize you feel betrayed sometimes by your own clothing. You put something on that usually protects you and makes you OK, and sometimes you’re just not fit for the world and even your best pants can’t overcome that feeling for you.
Lipstick is the most valuable weapon in a woman's make-up kit. It has the power to transform the appearance and mood of the person wearing it, and, at the same time, arouses the admiration of everybody else.
I don't really have a style -- I'm just me. My style is kinda whatever I feel like wearing. A lot of girls feel like they need to wear what everyone else is wearing. But it's good to have your own trend. People will start following it!
I think it's boring when everybody wears the same brands or the same styles, and it's like, 'Oh, this is the new trend.'
My advice is you've got to make sure you wear the clothes and not [let] the clothes wear you. It's quite simple in a way. Don't wear something you totally feel uncomfortable with, but take some chances. Play around a bit. I felt very uncomfortable in suits when I was younger, so what I just started doing was wearing suits when I was going to dinner. I used to overdress a little bit so I got used to wearing suits. Now wearing a suit is like wearing a track suit for me. So it's all good.
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