A Quote by Christine McCormick Day

The Pleiadians see a huge upswing in the drama on the planet and in individual lives. The drama is not a bad thing. It's just simply getting our attention to that which we need to take care of and notice all that we're still holding onto within ourselves. It's just to act as a mirror.
Those who are living out the drama and the violence still need to live that out for their experience, while others of us have gone past that need - but we're still witnessing it from a distance. What the Pleiadians are saying is don't engage in drama that is not ours.
Drama is hate. Drama is pushing your pain onto others. Drama is destruction. Some take pleasure in creating drama while others make excuses to stay stuck in drama. I choose not to step into a web of drama that I can't get out of.
We need to breathe, come back to our hearts, and connect into more of a stable place within ourselves, not allowing that drama to affect us, and through this process we transcend that drama experience.
You just find the best actors that you can. There's an inherent drama within the framework of scares and killings and all that. In 'Scream,' there is very real drama that would be in almost any drama.
The outer drama in the world is going to escalate, and what they [the Pleiadians] are saying is to come back to your heart and don't participate in the drama. Witness it, but understand that this illusion on the Earth plane is accelerating because of where we are in our evolution.
Humor is important for is pacing. If your whole book is just drama drama drama, it's going to wear down the reader.
I'm just happy that I'm able to take care of what I need to take care of, live, and do the thing that I love the most and that is to sing. People want to hear it, buy it, see it, hold it, record it, bootleg it. It's fine with me as long as it's good but when it's bad I'm in trouble!
The Pleiadians reminded me of what my role was here, to be on this planet and to act as an ambassador to the Pleiadians, to bring awareness to people of their existence and to channel through their knowledge and the understanding at this time so we can evolve as a human race.
The less people that are on the stage, there's more drama. You start living the music with each individual. When you see a band with ten people on stage, just a huge ensemble, you don't know who's doing what.
I think 'Holler If Ya Hear Me' is almost 'A Raisin in the Sun' 50 years later, with just a different 20-year-old voice speaking the words. But it's about access to the American dream and equal lives having equal value in America. It's still holding a mirror up to us so we can see ourselves.
I literally grew up in drama. I used to watch drama - the catharsis of the play - then see drama at home.
The popular definition of tragedy is heavy drama in which everyone is killed in the last act, comedy being light drama in which everyone is married in the last act.
Having written both comedy and drama, comedy's harder because the fear of failure's so much stronger. When you write a scene and you see it cut together, and it doesn't make you laugh, it hurts in a way that failed drama doesn't. Failed drama, it's all, 'That's not that compelling,' but failed comedy just lays there.
Drama in our lives is the greatest indicator that we're not focused on meaningful goals. On the path to purpose you don't have time for drama.
In our daily lives, we see ourselves often in very reductive ways. I want to explore motion, change and flux, whether we are looking in the mirror or seeing ourselves in our surroundings. The singular view of self contradicts the act of living.
When the Pleiadians speak of letting go, they transmit a letting go energy through our energetic field. As a human being, we've been holding on for lifetimes, really holding on to the illusion strongly, holding on to the shame, the guilt, the sadness, all the things we've lived through, all the experiences we have allowed ourselves to create for ourselves in order to learn. We've held on to the pieces of us - the anger, the frustration and the pain.
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