A Quote by Christopher Allsopp

The settle, followed by 10 for power will give you that grasp on their nuts that you need. Once you've got that, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze and squeeze and don't ever let up! You'll just be breaking 1500 meters down when you hear them yelp. Listen for the yelp, and then bring it into the dock.
Any jerk can have short-term earnings. You squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, and the company sinks five years later.
You're an enormous sponge and everything goes in there and you squeeze it out in songs, I guess. And if you're a painter, you squeeze them out on to a canvas.
If you squeeze and squeeze, and you don't allow the Iranians to sell any oil, then what do they have to lose by shutting the Strait of Hormuz down? And if they do that, that's 35% of all the world's oil that comes through the strait and 20% of the liquefied natural gas in the world.
I'm generally quite active and try to squeeze in a workout when I'm waiting for stuff. Like if you're cooking dinner, try to squeeze in a few squats or a few yoga moves. Or if you're brushing your teeth. You know, just trying to do more than one thing at once.
All her life she had wanted to squeeze the toothpaste really squeeze it,not just one little squirt. [...] The paste coiled and swirled and mounded in the washbasin. Ramona decorated the mound with toothpaste roses as if it was a toothpaste birthday cake
When gravitational waves reach the earth, the waves stretch and squeeze space. This is a tiny stretch and squeeze. Far too small to detect with ordinary human senses.
You know you get a tube of toothpaste... such a bloody con. You squeeze and squeeze and nothing more comes out? Well, take a pair of scissors and cut it about an inch and a half from the bottom and it's absolutely packed with stuff! I do that, then cut off the top bit, so I can stick that back on and it doesn't dry out!
If you shut your eyes and are a lucky one, you may see at times a shapeless pool of lovely pale colours suspended in the darkness; then if you squeeze your eyes tighter, the pool begins to take shape, and the colours become so vivid that with another squeeze they must go on fire.
I could feel my moral compass as a soldier, in danger of - I could feel the squeeze, the pressure of frustration and anger and fear combining on me... I felt the danger; I felt the squeeze of it.
I try to beat back the producers and engineers so they - there's not an excess of stuff used to squeeze my voice to make it artificial. There's a person in there, and people will listen; if they hear another person speak to them, they'll listen because it's lonely out here.
There's that old saying: Squeeze the juice out of life before life squeezes the juice out of you. I will try to squeeze the remaining juice out of life.
Give me about 10 years, I'm going to run for President. If I can squeeze in an NBA championship before that, I'll do it.
…she was discovering once again that reading and writing were not the same — you couldn't just soak it up then squeeze it out again.
I feel like I bring the juice and the squeeze.
When life gives you lemons, make sure you know whose eyes you need to squeeze them in.
What I propose, then, is a strategy for interrogating the Darwinists to, as it were, squeeze the truth out of them.
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