A Quote by Chuck Close

I'm plagued with indecision in my life. I can't figure out what to order in a restaurant. — © Chuck Close
I'm plagued with indecision in my life. I can't figure out what to order in a restaurant.
Indecision is fatal. It is better to make a wrong decision than build up a habit of indecision. If you're wallowing in indecision, you certainty can't act - and action is the basis of success
I've never been able to plan my life. I just lurch from indecision to indecision.
We're all like detectives. We want to figure things out. Life, you know, we want to figure out life, and we want to figure out what's going on, so it's beautiful. It's beautiful that people are thinking.
I asked Chief Justice John Roberts about this definition of life - you know, what is life? The Supreme Court can't figure it out or doesn't want us to figure it out; the fact that we know that there is no life if there's no heartbeat and brainwaves.
More is lost by indecision than wrong decision. Indecision is the thief of opportunity. It will steal you blind.
My advice to anyone is to figure out what you're good at - what it is that you love doing the most in life - and figure out a way to make a living from it.
Artistically I'm curious. But in life? No. I can go to a restaurant and order the same thing for 10 years.
I promise my students that if they take the time to figure out their life purpose, they'll look back on it as the most important thing they discovered while at school. If they don't figure it out, they will just sail off without a rudder and get buffeted in the very rough seas of life.
I was raised in restaurants. My parents opened their first restaurant, Buonavia, in Queens when I was just 3. This business has always been my way of life. As a kid, home was reserved only for sleeping. After school, you could find my sister and I helping out at the family restaurant.
We want to create a problem for the defense, a moment of indecision as they figure out how they want to play against whatever formation we may show. We get a slight edge this way. Also, we create the opportunity for a defense to make more mistakes.
Most people that always have something against hunting are the same ones that go out to a restaurant to eat a steak or order a burger.
Order is the first law of heaven, and you have to have order to survive on Earth. Figure out what has to be done each day, each week, each year and develop a system to achieve it.
So I'm back again to the eternal question, the one that has plagued me all my life: How Do Other People Do It? How come they were given life's rule book and I missed out? Where was I when God was dispensing capability and cop on? Looking at shoes, probably.
I'm trying to figure things out in the world. No one knows what this life thing is all about - there's no manual. Just trying to figure it out.
I was in a restaurant, and it just struck me, something I'd never thought of before. And it's menus in the restaurant just hit me. I was ordering and I thought, "God, think of all the people who handle these meals day in and day out" and they, I mean you're going to a restaurant, you can be pretty - you can feel secure that they wash the silverware in the kitchen and the linens and all that stuff, but they don't wash their menus, who washes menus? Now, I've got to worry about that for the rest of my life.
I think love is something you figure out later on in life, and you have to make a lot of mistakes to figure out what love is, which is why we all have shitty, tumultuous relationships when we're younger, and it's harder to let go.
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