A Quote by Chuck Todd

The White House is dismissing these town hall fireworks as AstroTurf movements which means it`s the opposite of a true grass roots movement. — © Chuck Todd
The White House is dismissing these town hall fireworks as AstroTurf movements which means it`s the opposite of a true grass roots movement.
Folks, some of these town halls are clearly organized. But, regardless, there are potential warning signs that Republicans perhaps shouldn`t ignore.We heard Democrats dismiss this anger at their town halls back it 2009 as, oh, that`s right, AstroTurf movements. And then, they lost the House in a big way.
The White House is dismissing these fiery town halls as the result of professional protesters. Well, that`s exactly how President [Barack] Obama team`s and Democrats dismissed the 2009 town halls and Tea Party protests.
Fellow from Texas can tell the difference between grass-roots and AstroTurf.
I don't know whether I prefer Astroturf to grass. I never smoked Astroturf.
What is the difference between astroturf and grass? I don't know, I never smoked astroturf.
I dunno. I never smoked any Astroturf. (When asked whether he preferred grass or Astroturf
There is movement and movement. There are movements of small tension and movements of great tension and there is also a movement which our eyes cannot catch although it can be felt. In art this state is called dynamic movement.
Detroit was an exaggeration of what was going on across the country. You could see the divisions, even within the Civil Rights Movement of that period. At the same time that Martin Luther King was talking about his dream, Malcolm X gave his most famous address in Detroit during that same period, "The Message To The Grass Roots," dismissing the notion of integration.
What's more important is that we talk about movements; change happens through movements. The movement to end slavery, the movement to bring justice for those who have been left out of the system, movements to include women, movements around sexual preference - all these movements brought about change.
I think to close half of Magic Kingdom for the purpose of a White House invitation town hall meeting on a phony main street on behalf of a phony president just strikes me as weird.
The gay rights movement of recent years has been an inspiring victory for humanity and it is in the tradition of the civil rights movement when I was a young boy in the South, the women's suffrage movement when my mother was a young woman in Tennessee, the abolition movement much farther back, and the anti-apartheid movement when I was in the House of Representatives. All of these movements have one thing in common: the opposition to progress was rooted in an outdated understanding of morality.
I've always tried to keep in mind that I'm in grass-roots country and I'm grass-roots-born and -reared. I don't use the so-called 'sophisticated approach' to broadcasting that is used in other parts of the country.
We're here to let the Democrats know that the grass roots and the anti-war movement elected them to create change.
Feeling the movement of movements is wandering to the past or future. Living in the movements of movement is being in the present.
If the grass looks greener on the other side, it is probably astroturf.
The blind spot for the in the Southern Progressive Movement - as for that matter in the national [progressive] movement - was the Negro, for the whole movement in the South coincided paradoxically with the crest of the wave of racism. Still more important to the association of the two movements was the fact that their leaders were often identical. In fact, the typical Progressive reformer rode to power in the South on a disenfranchising or white-supremacy movement.
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