A Quote by Chuck Todd

Senator majority leader, Mitch McConnell, slammed [Donald] Trump`s comments about burning the American flag which is protected under the first amendment should lead to jail time.
Between [Speaker of the House] Paul Ryan, [Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell, and Donald Trump's team, I don't see a lot of openings for making real progress.
Antonin Scalia was saying, and Donald Trump knows this as well, the answer to it is not to punish people, to shut 'em up, to put 'em in jail. The answer is more speech. If there's some clown burning the flag, drape yourself in the flag and go run around right in the guy's face and start telling him how much you love America. Donald Trump's not gonna put anybody in jail. He's not gonna strip their citizenship. This is how Donald Trump tells people what he thinks about it.
Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader in the Senate, said that Republicans' number one priority was the defeat of President Obama.
Kentuckians voted for Donald Trump because they wanted to drain the swamp and lower prescription drug prices. A lot of what has stood in the way of what Donald Trump promised is Senator McConnell.
House majority leader, Kevin McCarthy, slammed [Donald's] Trump`s wild claims about election fraud, saying, quote, "The election is over, let`s move on."
House Speaker John Boehner and presumed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell understand the art of politics.
The First Amendment applies to rogues and scoundrels. You don't lose your First Amendment rights because of a sleazy personality, or even for having committed a crime. Felons in jail are protected by the First Amendment.
Since we don't have a tyrant or a dictator, we can't put people who are burning flag in jail. But Donald Trump is telling you what he thinks of 'em. He's not gonna do anything of the sort. This is where people go off the rails with Trump, with this literal business and so fort
I'm very sad about Mitch McConnell probably getting to be Senate majority leader, if only for two years. To me, he is just everything that is wrong with the world, a bullying obstructionist blowhard liar (not to put too fine a point on it).
Donald Trump is the least unpopular thing about today's Republican Party. I mean, the idea that a Mitch McConnell or a Paul Ryan could say, "Let's toss Trump overboard and return to our program of plutocratic politics, health care removal, massive income tax cuts for the affluent, deregulation of finance" - if they cut loose from Donald Trump, it's like, you know, storm in channel, continent cut off. If they cut loose from him, they are much likelier to sink.
I think Mitch McConnell and, to a degree, Paul Ryan - they do not want Donald Trump's populist, economic nationalist agenda to be implemented. It's very obvious.
You don't have to go that far back - March 2017 - and Donald Trump was already getting frustrated with the fact that Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan were stonewalling him.
I'll bet you there are a lot of Donald Trump people out there who say, "If he has to work with Democrats to get what he wants done, then so be it. Even when Trump did the first deal with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi on expanding the debt limit - and he talked about extending the debt limit forever 'cause it was such a good thing, Trump did." I had people saying, "You know what? I love it!" I'm talking about rock-ribbed, lifetime Republicans who said to me, "I love Trump sticking it to Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, but I not sure I like it being done this way."
Even if the flag burning amendment does become law, the larger problem will remain of how to respectfully dispose of older, tattered flags. Well, fortunately the U.S. official Flag Code has a suggestion about this. "The flag, when it is in such a condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem of display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning." Owwwwcchh. In response, the House Republicans are calling for tattered flags to be kept alive via a feeding tube.
I mean, Donald Trump has been able, because of Mitch McConnell, to seat more circuit court judges almost than Barack Obama did in eight years.
Is it going to be the people of Kentucky who decides who their senator's going to be, or is it going to be Mitch McConnell saying, 'This is my protege Trey; this is who your next senator's going to be.'?
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