A Quote by Claire Fox

One thing we can be sure of is that Brexit will leave its mark on the E.U. — © Claire Fox
One thing we can be sure of is that Brexit will leave its mark on the E.U.
I believe that Theresa May is going to end up with a botched Brexit that will satisfy no one and make sure that calls for a people's vote on the final Brexit deal will only get louder.
The U.K. decided to leave the E.U. - Brexit means Brexit.
The first job of the Brexit Party is to make sure Brexit's delivered and if that involves electoral pacts, that might happen.
Some people are going to leave a mark on this world, while others will leave a stain.
You have to comply, you have to obey - or you'd better resign and leave. But that is also the mark of a great leader - somebody who, in the presence of inner conflict, will do the right thing.
I am like a drop of water on a rock. After drip, drip, dripping in the same place, I begin to leave a mark, and I leave my mark in many people's hearts.
There is no form of Brexit that will be good for our country but a no-deal Brexit will be the most catastrophic of them all.
I accept of course we're in deep trouble and deep difficulty. But if we, under a new leader, reinvent ourselves properly as a Brexit party, we will be faced with the inevitability at some point of a general election in order to deliver Brexit because this Parliament is stopping the delivery of Brexit.
The only thing that I know for sure is that the people who invest in the U.K., those investors, believe strongly that the ramifications of a hard Brexit are very bad, and they believe that a recession will take place in the U.K., and that would clearly be negative for banks of the U.K.
What a travesty it is that the high priests of Leave in 2016, who insisted to all of us that Brexit would mean a return to parliamentary sovereignty, are undermining and circumventing parliamentary sovereignty in order to deliver their hard Brexit.
Mark Carney is one of the enemies of Brexit. He has opposed it consistently.
The impact of Brexit is likely to be slow and incremental, hardly the sudden transformation that some Leave voters wanted. Immigrants will not disappear, and manufacturing will not immediately return to northern-English cities - quite the contrary.
The public wants to know that their political leaders will stay true to the promise made to them that Brexit means Brexit.
Calling into question the Touquet deal on the pretext that Britain has voted for Brexit and will have to start negotiations to leave the union doesn't make sense.
This acting is going to leave my stain. Not just my mark, because you can wipe a mark off. But a stain: it's going to take a whole lot to get that out, and that's how I'm going to leave my stain on this world.
Knowing one thing well empowers you and gives you a set of tricks to the trade that you can apply across the board. Go deep, and it will serve you when you make your choices about where you want to leave your mark.
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