A Quote by Claire McCaskill

I've been very independent from the day I arrived in Washington. — © Claire McCaskill
I've been very independent from the day I arrived in Washington.
I have been very independent from day I arrived in Washington.
Ever since I arrived in Washington in April 2009, I have been fighting for more transparency and accountability in government.
I am the longest- serving independent in the history of the United States Congress. People of Vermont sent me to Washington as an independent. That is true.
You know, Bernie [Sanders] is - he is a team player. I think he's on the wrong team, perhaps because he's been in Washington, D.C., too long, because he used to really understand independent politics and why we cannot have a viable political system unless we have independent political parties. Otherwise we just keep marching to the right.
I believe our nation is at a point where there are enough irreconcilable differences between those Americans who want to control other Americans and those Americans who want to be left alone that separation is the only peaceable alternative. Just as in a marriage where vows are broken, our rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution have been grossly violated by a government instituted to protect them. These constitutional violations have increased independent of whether there's been a Democrat-controlled Washington or a Republican-controlled Washington.
I like being independent. I don't think that marriage means you're not independent, but right now I'm very comfortable, and I'm probably the happiest I've ever been. I feel solid. I feel safe.
I think Americans are - particularly, independent voters are looking at Washington, and they see too many taxes, too much spending, too much debt, too many Washington takeovers, and they want to provide a check and a balance to what they see as a runaway, overreaching Washington government.
I should say that being independent in the modern model means independent in a very interdependent world. An independent Scotland is not apart from the rest of the United Kingdom.
[People] are looking at the politicians as being all talk, no action. They talk the big game, then they go to Washington, they look at the magnificent hallowed halls as you would say, or the beautiful vaulted ceilings and they say, "darling, I've arrived," to their loved one or their wife. They say "darling, I've arrived" and all of a sudden they become nothing.
When you have arrived at your country house and have saluted your household, you should make the rounds of the farm the same day, if possible; if not, then certainly the next day. When you have observed how the field work has progressed, what things have been done, and what remains undone, you should summon your overseer the next day, and should call for a report of what work has been done in good season and why it has not been possible to complete the rest, and what wine and corn and other crops have been gathered.
I have always said, heard, that it would not be strange that there had been civilization on Mars, but maybe capitalism arrived there, imperialism arrived and finished off the planet.
The 1960s and 1970s were the real years for independent film, because they were really independent. Plus, there were hundreds of distributors. There were all these companies that basically did exploitation, but they were independent. Now, there are very few independent distributors.
I'm not a member of a political party, and I feel very, very comfortable being independent. Even if I weren't a journalist - if I were doing whatever - I would be an independent.
As an Independent, she has no party backing... Her being the first Independent president trumps the fact that she's a woman. It causes even more upheaval in Washington than her being female.
Football can change really quickly; you really are king for a day. Once you get caught up with things and think you've arrived... you've never arrived in football.
But it's been a great, humbling - and I've been very honored to have the opportunity to serve and to lead and to be the representative of our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who are in Washington. And it's been the greatest honor of my life.
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