A Quote by Claude C. Hopkins

Impressive  claims  are made far more impressive by making them exact — © Claude C. Hopkins
Impressive claims are made far more impressive by making them exact
The advent of a new religion, making serious and impressive claims to embody a new revelation from on high, is not a frequent occurrence.
I've been able to see some very impressive people that are in politics, and I've been able to see a lot more people that are much less impressive that I don't know if I'd want to spend my life working with. When I see sort of how the sausage is made, it's not very pretty.
Impressive, most impressive. (Darth Vadar)
I think what AEW has done on social media is impressive. I think the amount of interest they've garnered is impressive.
When I started making enough money to afford high-end, fancy skincare products with sexy bottles and impressive claims, I decided to give them a try. As a result my skin acted up and got irritated. I think sometimes women may be overcleansing their skin. Some products and masks can be too aggressive and irritating for certain skin types. I believe the more simple, natural, and easy the skin care regime, the better off your skin will be.
You think you've got to go out and knock someone out for it to be an impressive win. But it's kind of hard to even know what an impressive win means.
It is not always the job of people shouting outside impressive buildings to solve problems. It is often the job of the people inside, who have paper, pens, desks, and an impressive view.
The paranoiac is the exact image of the ruler. The only difference is their position in the world. One might even think the paranoiac the more impressive of the two because he is sufficient unto himself and cannot be shaken by failure.
I'm not flashy. I'll do nice things on the floor, but I'm not going to do the really impressive dunk or make the really impressive block. I think that's what fans enjoy most about coming to basketball games, but that's not what I provide night in, night out.
What an admirable training is science for the more active warfare of life! Indeed, the unchallenged bravery which these studies imply, is far more impressive than the trumpeted valor of the warrior.
It's far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.
The White Palace was pretty impressive. Very impressive, in fact. The day to day running of the set was everybody showed up for work. They are seasoned filmmakers over there. They have an infrastructure for filmmaking, which is very healthy. It's small, but they were tenacious, polite, timely.
The proponents of UFOs offer up impressive quantities of principally eyewitness data, which although largely subjective and circumstantial in nature, is nevertheless quite intriguing.... Many of the high-quality sighting reports involve certain objective aspects, which, to an open-minded bystander, are quite impressive.
If a claim is worth making, make it in the most impressive way.
Probably some of the most impressive drumming I've done is on the 'Far Beyond Driven' record.
Many people forget that magick is all about change, and the greatest change is the inner, not the outer, landscape. Outer magickal changes - such as immediately getting a new job, lover, or physical healing - seem more impressive at first, but the inner changes last longer. They are the most impressive. Anyone can learn to do some basic spells and have good results, but the practitioners who develop a solid spiritual and magickal practice become more centered, calm, healthy, and truly confident over time are the magicians who impress me.
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