A Quote by Claude M. Bristol

Thought attracts that upon which it is directed. — © Claude M. Bristol
Thought attracts that upon which it is directed.
All thoughts create thought-forms. When you think about anything, an electrical impulse is released. Its charge gathers into a form that appears clairvoyantly like a soap bubble. The thought-form creates, manifests, and attracts that which is similar to it.
An innocent person is really like a magnet and it attracts, he attracts, the people towards himself, just like a flower attracts a bee towards itself.
The time and thought which most persons waste in aimless effort would accomplish wonders if properly directed with some special object in view. In order to do this, it is necessary to center your mental force upon a specific thought and hold it there, to the exclusion of all other thoughts.
There is a tremendous power in positive thinking. When you expect the best, you literally create a thought field that magnetizes that which you desire. Like attracts like.
To a mind like mine, restless, inquisitive, and observant of everything that was passing, it is easy to suppose that religion was the subject to which it would be directed; and, although this subject principally occupied my thoughts, there was nothing that I saw or heard of to which my attention was not directed.
In democracies, nothing is more great or more brilliant than commerce: it attracts the attention of the public, and fills the imagination of the multitude; all energetic passions are directed towards it.
Joy attracts more joy. Happiness attracts more happiness. Peace attracts more peace. GRATITUDE attracts more GRATITUDE. Kindness attracts more kindness. Love attracts more love. Your job is an inside one. To change your world, all you have to do is change the way you feel inside. How easy is that?
Many of the greatest things man has achieved are not the result of consciously directed thought, and still less the product of a deliberately coordinated effort of many individuals, but of a process in which the individual plays a part which he can never fully understand.
The solution to depression, among other things, is to go within and see if you can tune into more of what might want to come forth out of you. Then take action to follow the path of what attracts you. Reach out, read a book, call a friend, join an organization. Go toward that which attracts you.
The individual with a negative mental attitude attracts troubles as a magnet attracts steel fittings.
We live in a world which respects power above all things. Power, intelligently directed, can lead to more freedom. Unwisely directed, it can be a dreadful, destructive force.
Light attracts light. But sometimes your light attracts moths and your warmth attracts parasites. Protect your space and energy
The soul attracts that which it secretly harbors; that which it loves, and also that which it fears.
Theory attracts practice as the magnet attracts iron.
Beauty attracts us men; but if, like an armed magnet it is pointed, beside, with gold and silver, it attracts with tenfold power.
In both 'Dondo,' which has been directed by Tarun Mukherjee, and 'Krishna' directed by VV Vinayak, I got to play interesting characters. Moreover, I have enjoyed working for these films, because it was a challenge to learn two languages and express my emotions in them.
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