A Quote by Claudia Kim

My friends and I will go out for dinner and drinks, but I don't really go dancing or anything like that. — © Claudia Kim
My friends and I will go out for dinner and drinks, but I don't really go dancing or anything like that.
Actors are a really funny bunch of people, especially the X-Men cast. They're super funny and super nice, and they like to go out and get drinks and dinner and hang out. It's an experience. It's a summer. It's like camp. Everybody gets together and hangs out.
I can go out and chill with my friends, go out to dinner, and I won't get hounded like, I'm sure, Paul McCartney or somebody like that.
There's so much more to me than swimming. I like to go and have fun, like to go dancing, hang out with my friends.
Of the pair of us, I'm the one who'll go out and have dinner, and Si's the one who'll go out dancing.
My go-go dancing was not your typical go-go dancing: I really was doing performance art. I would do dramatic, elaborate lyricals across the bar. I learned a lot, actually, as an artist during that time.
I have really fond memories of growing up in Chicago, and I always love going back. I still have a lot of really good friends from high school that I go to dinner with. It's kind of become a tradition when I go out there to do a show to give a few friends a call, tell some funny stories about high school and walk down memory lane.
I like to go camping with my kids. I've got an amazing group of friends. Just like any 30-year-old woman I like to go out dancing, eating food, drinking with my mates, like any normal person.
I don't have many friends so the phone doesn't ring and no one's asking me to go out and go dancing with them.
We were having so much fun that once we were through each day, Tom, Gwen, and I would go, 'OK, let's go out and join all our friends at a dance club now.' And we would do this daily - go out and have a few drinks and dance the night away and at the end of the night go, 'OK, I'll see ya tomorrow at two o'clock, let's do it again.'
I'm writing all the time, really. It's become a little bit of a problem when I go home. Sometimes I should really go out and hang out with my friends, but what happens is I get really inspired and then just go and mess around on the computer.
I like to go out for dinner in Belfast with my friends, I like to work on the house. I like working on music.
I don't really like to go out that much. But when I do, I go to the movies, just hang out with friends. I go on Skype and iChat and just chill.
I really like to have a moment alone at the house, either in the morning or when I come home from work, when I can just zone out at my computer, relax, stare out the window, get into a 'Game of Thrones' episode, go up on my roof, whatever, then go out to dinner.
I don't really want to get married. I've got my career, my friends - my life is very, very full. It's nice to go out to dinner with a man and have fun, but I wouldn't rush into anything because I don't think it's right to bring another man into the house with my four children.
I have, like, two best friends, one that I grew up with who's not an actor, and one that is an actor that lives near me in Wales, and they're my friends. I don't have any other friends, really, in the industry. I have acquaintances and people that I will go out for coffee with.
I like to go out and have fun with my friends. I have family, too, so why can't I go out to clubs? I can, and I will.
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