A Quote by Cliff Bleszinski

Video games are like a religion; you want to get people tattooing your little logo on their body so they’ll get somebody else interested in it too. — © Cliff Bleszinski
Video games are like a religion; you want to get people tattooing your little logo on their body so they’ll get somebody else interested in it too.
I think the biggest lesson to be learned is that it is almost impossible to just throw a logo on a video. A lot of people think that if you make a really popular video, I can get Pepsi to put a little logo on there and they will pay me a lot of money. We wanted to create something that wasn't just a "slap a logo on the video."
I had one little brother and I would use him as a scapegoat to get us games. Obviously, I would get the more girly toys like dolls and Barbies, yadda, yadda, yadda. But I really wanted video games or action figures or something so I would send him to ask mom, 'Hey, I want this video game' when it was really we wanted this video game.
The best cure for hypochondria is to forget about your body and get interested in somebody else's.
I used to think about video games, "This is clearly an amazing, new narrative medium, and it's going to be mind-blowing when people get to grips with what's possible within this medium." It took us a century to get really good at film. Video games are at a much earlier stage.
Ironically, I must admit that I have an easier time (myself) playing games that are really simple and non-realistic - like the games I grew up with in the 80's - I tend to get lost and confused when the games get too complex! But I enjoy watching people who are good at playing games. I really enjoy playing games like Guitar Hero, where you feel like you're a great musician even if you're not.
I can't imagine trying to operate a company banking on the fact that my logo is cooler than somebody else's logo.
I cannot get myself interested in video games. I've been given video game players and they just sit there connected to my TVs gathering dust until eventually I unplug them so I can put in another special-region DVD player.
So remember, my meaning of discipline is not that of any Ten Commandments...Your discipline has to come from your very heart, it has to be your own-and there is a great difference. When somebody else gives you the discipline, it can never fit you; it will be like wearing somebody else's clothes. Either they will be too loose or too tight, and you will always feel a little bit silly in them.
Sometimes it's literally just a feeling that you get that somebody is more interested than someone else; and they may both say they're interested, but you get a feeling.
I believe that if we don't make moves to get people who don't play games to understand them, then the position of video games in society will never improve. Society's image of games will remain largely negative, including that stuff about playing games all the time badly damaging you or rotting your brain or whatever.
I'm never going to starve myself for a part. I don't want little girls to be like, 'Oh, I want to look like Katniss, so I'm going to skip dinner.' That's something I was really conscious of during training, when you're trying to get your body to look exactly right. I was trying to get my body to look fit and strong-not thin and underfed.
Most people get interested in stocks when everyone else is. The time to get interested is when no one else is. You can't buy what is popular and do well.
Not only do you have 16 regular-season games, you also have four preseason games. Then if you make the playoffs, you can have four more games before you get to the Super Bowl. So you can already have 24 games without the 18-game season. And 24 games takes a real toll on somebody's body.
Video games provide an easy lead-in to computer literacy. They can get you thinking like a video game designer and can even lead to designing since many games come with software to modify the game or redesign it.
I grew up playing video games. And the cool thing about the EA Sports games is they took me through the whole motion-capture thing, where they put little sensors on my body so the video game really is me. It actually moves the way I move.
There are big lines between those who play video games and those who do not. For those who don't, video games are irrelevant. They think all video games must be too difficult.
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