A Quote by Clint Eastwood

My wife is my closest friend. Sure, I'm attracted to her in every way possible, but that's not the answer. Because I've been attracted to other people, and I couldn't stand 'em after a while.
I'm not attracted to naturalism, I'm not attracted to behavior, I'm attracted to dance. I'm attracted to gesture, I'm attracted to singing with your voice, as opposed to having a natural manner. I'm a theater actor first, so that probably influences a lot of my approach. And I think in many ways, naturalism has ruined movies.
I've liked different women at different times in my life. I've been attracted to white women. I've been attracted to black women. I've been attracted to Asian women. I've been attracted to various subspecies of women. I can say with gratitude that I've been able to experiment.
I think I'm attracted to the mystics, to seeing needs in the world. I'm attracted to caring for people who are disenfranchised. I'm attracted to getting rid of worldly possessions.
You've got to pay attention to what you're attracted to because as you hold images of what you want, you're gonna be attracted to things that are going to be attracted to you, but it literally moves into physical reality with and through you and it does that by law.
I have, in the past, been attracted to really strong and dominant men. But on the other side, I have been attracted to very androgynous men. I don't typically fall for your average jock. I just like people that are a little atypical.
I've always been attracted to the 'don't follow the rules' type of girl, the rocker girl. I've always been attracted to somebody who you can lose yourself in the moment with. You can hang out with her, and it's like you're the only two people in the room.
I find it very endearing when a girl is dorky because it takes a very brave person to act that way in front of people. And in every girl that I've been attracted to, I recognize the dorkiness about her because I think I have some in me. That makes me feel a lot more comfortable with her.
I'm attracted to wilderness in any sense. Which is why I'm attracted to New York in a way, because I feel like it's a wilderness of people and textures. Just like, there's so much life and richness here. And you can get lost in it.
You will attract everything that you require. If it’s money you need you will attract it. If it’s people you need you’ll attract it. You’ve got to pay attention to what you’re attracted to, because as you hold images of what you want, you’re going to be attracted to things and they’re going to be attracted to you. But it literally moves into physical reality with and through you. And it does that by law. (Bob Proctor)
Essentially, I'm a very real person; good and bad. And the public image is one of being very good, I suppose. But one of the reasons I'm attracted to people like Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi, Christ, to pacifism, is because naturally, I'm the guy that would not turn the other cheek - but, when people see you're attracted to that, they think you are that.
(I must tell my Hon. Friend Miss Janet Fookes) that although I have always been attracted to her I have never actually dared ask her whether she would go to bed with me.
Sure, he was lonely. Sure, they had a lot in common. Sure, he was attracted to her, and it was clear she felt the same about him.
It is a sin to follow your horoscope because only God knows the future and He won't tell us. Also, we can tell horoscopes are false because according to astrology, Christ would have been a Capricorn, and Capricorn people are cold, ambitious and attracted to Scorpio and Virgo, and we know that Christ was warm, loving, and not attracted to anybody.
It seems that scientists are often attracted to beautiful theories in the way that insects are attracted to flowers — not by logical deduction, but by something like a sense of smell.
Personally, I've never been attracted to danger. It's not my sort of thing. I am more attracted to pubs and cafes. The known, safe and comfortable world.
In a romantic comedy, it's usually a good idea to have people who can't stand the fact that they are attracted to each other.
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