A Quote by CM Punk

I have a Wii at home that I mainly play 'Punch-Out!' on. — © CM Punk
I have a Wii at home that I mainly play 'Punch-Out!' on.

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Except for its backward compatibility with existing Wii software and accessories, we have so far failed to make propositions worthy of Wii U's position as a successor to the Wii system.
In Europe, we packed in Wii Sports with the console, so one way or another, people processed the Wii by enjoying Wii Sports. The unique, interactive nature of the game was spread thanks to the excitement from the consumer.
In the time period before Wii was called Wii and we still referred to it as Revolution, no one thought it was going to succeed.
The Wii had sold a hundred million units globally; the Wii U did not have that same level of success.
It was very fortunate for Wii that a lot of households around the world decided to connect the Wii to the living room TV.
The best way to take a punch is to look at it. Honestly. Someone could hit you with the hardest punch that they have, but as long as you see it, it's not going to knock you out. It's the punches that you don't see that knock you out. So you could get tapped with a small punch, but if you don't see it, you're out.
When I was a kid, I would come home from school, throw my bag, go out to play. My daughter comes home from school, throws her bag, goes to play, but sitting in front of the computer because their definition of play has changed. They don't go out to play. They play on the computer with their friends.
I'm a big believer in the Wii. I love the physicality of the Wii controller, and how you can get the feeling of throwing a bowling ball or swinging a golf club. Those are the kinds of games I really like.
I was probably the best that ever walked this earth. And I could take a punch. I could deliver a punch. I didn't have the hardest punch in the world but my punches were sharp and they were crisp. And if you took too many of them, you would be knocked out.
As soon as we showcased the Wii in 2006, people immediately understood. At that E3 show, I was up on the stage with other Nintendo staff playing Wii Tennis, and I could hear the excitement behind me.
One of the best games to play with a significant other is Nintendo's 'Super Mario Maker,' for the Wii U, which lets you build and play your own Mario courses.
Added to the rooster of courses, 'Tiger Woods 10' adds in seven new courses from the pristine Bethpage Black, home of this year's U.S. Open, to the legendary Pinehurst. The Wii Weather Channel will even adjust the forecast to match the fairway because sometimes even the pros have to play in the rain.
The punch that knocks a man out is the punch that he doesn't see.
Traditionally it's been difficult for Africans to play over here, mainly because the African calendar is very different to that in Europe. Most of the coaches over here can't accept that we have to go back home to play at the Nations' Cup for a month while the season is still on over here. That made people reluctant to sign Africans.
If I can find time to play games, it's console gaming. I don't want to be plugged into my phone all the time. I'm waiting for the new Mario Kart to come out, but I've been playing Donkey Kong and Mario 3D World on the Wii U.
Ever since I joined the Cavilers, my job has always been the same. I just come out and play hard. Be a hard hat guy, punch in the clock and just play my game. That's not going to change.
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