A Quote by Cody Garbrandt

You can put 10 Dominick Cruz's in front of me, I'll knock them all out. 10 out of 10. — © Cody Garbrandt
You can put 10 Dominick Cruz's in front of me, I'll knock them all out. 10 out of 10.
Nine out of 10 times these guys will hit it-they'll be on something incredibly funny, but one out of 10, two out of 10, they'll fall flat on their faces. That's what makes them great actors: they take those chances, they don't play it safe.
According to a new poll, nearly six out of 10 Republicans want Mitt Romney to run for president. So do 10 out of 10 Democrats.
How happy am I on a scale of one to 10? When you have a daughter, it's 10 out of 10. It doesn't matter what happens. The joy that I get from that, I try to give it to my football.
Well, there’s 10 - there’s 10 different - there’s 10 different titles, you know, to the Civil Rights Act, and nine out of 10 deal with public institutions. And I’m absolutely in favor of one deals with private institutions, and had I been around, I would have tried to modify that.
According to a new geographic literacy study 4 out of 10 American students couldn't find Iraq on a map. However 10 out of 10 Mexicans could find the U.S. without a map.
I'm sure when I have a nostalgic, teary moment in 10 years time, I'll try to put the glasses when I was 10 on and cry to myself in front of the mirror
If I could get every single cancer genome sequence that has been sequenced; if I could ever put it in one repository, we have the capacity to do a million billion calculations per second. We'll be able to find out more in 10 minutes more than it would take 10 Nobel laureates 10 years to find out about the patterns of cancer and the cures for cancer.
Dominick Cruz can't knock anybody out. He's got grapes for hands.
High flops like K-Q-9, K-J-10 or Q-J-8 are dangerous to pocket aces. That's because these flops will more likely to connect with the range of hands that your opponents will typically play, like 10-J, K-Q, 10-10, or 9-10.
Most guys open their closet and tend to wear about 10% of what they own - and they wear that 10% over and over again. So the trick is to be honest with yourself and figure out what that 10% is.
I've always avoided those sorts of self-assessments because if you give yourself a 10 out of 10 people think you're a big head, if you give yourself a 6 out of 10 they think you're plagued with self-doubt, so I'm just not going to rate myself.
With some actors, if I have upward of 10 notes, I don't want to give them all 10 notes and overwhelm them. I usually parse them out three or four at a time.
When I did Ben 10, I really didn't know anything about Ben 10. But when I went back to visit my son Pierre and told him what I'd just done, he said "You did a Ben 10?!?" and then he started yelling out to my grandson, "Luca, Luca, come here, Granddaddy did a Ben 10 show." You suddenly discover you're gratte-cul with a five-year-old, and that's pretty cool."
I look at that 10 PGA Tour wins, and I say to myself, 'That's not enough,' and it isn't enough for me. It's just 10. I want more than 10.
Whether I'm 0-for-10 or 10-for-10, every time I walk to the plate I believe I'm going to hit a missile.
To the best of my knowledge and belief, the average American newspaper, even of the so-called better sort, is not only quite as bad as Upton Sinclair says it is, but 10 times worse, 10 times as ignorant, 10 times as unfair and tyrannical, 10 times as complaisant and pusillanimous, and 10 times as devious, hypocritical, disingenuous, deceitful, pharisaical, Pecksniffian, fraudulent, slippery, unscrupulous, perfidious, lewd and dishonest.
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