A Quote by Colbie Caillat

I like doing 25-minute intervals on the treadmill. I go back and forth with running and fast walking and keep changing the incline to high and low. Then I do 15 minutes of lifting light weights and all different kinds of sit-ups, squats, and stretches. I do this routine four days a week.
I do cardio for 35 to 45 minutes, whether that's on the elliptical or walking or running on the treadmill - I switch back and forth because I can get bored at times. Then, I'll go do some weights - I'll do some bicep curls, push-ups, sit-ups.
I exercise at least five times a week with stretching, Pilates, push-ups, planks, sit- ups, squats and light weights.
I do heavy weights in the morning for about an hour, and then I do 45 minutes of higher-volume lifting in the afternoon. My least favorite is the legs... I do quite a few chin-ups and rows. I do mostly old-school lifting with a lot of squats.
When I don't feel like working out, lifting weights or doing serious cardio, the best thing for me to do is just go on the treadmill and walk. I walk and listen to music and 10 minutes will go by, then 15, and then I'll speed up a bit. Once my blood really starts flowing, I'll get a second wind and then I want to work out.
Me and my brother are players that spend three to four hours in the gym every day doing running, lifting heavy weights, and doing treadmill stuff.
I'm really into circuit training. You don't have to do each station for very long. Implementing some free weights, maybe a treadmill if you're at a gym, you can put together your own little circuit. Go hard for five minutes, take a minute break. Maybe do a one minute hard run on the treadmill, right into some pull ups.
I do body conditioning, spinning and yoga. On the treadmill, I'll do intervals of running flat and then on incline. I'll do that for an hour.
I'm not good at sports, but I do exercise because we have to move. Besides walking my dog four times a day, I go to the gym and do 30 minutes on a stationary bike while reading a book because I get bored, then 10 minutes of weights and 10 of stretches.
I try to do something every day. I lift weights at least three to four days per week, and I'll intersperse that with cardio. For example, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I'll run and do heavy lifting, and on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I'll spend two hours lifting weights, as well as something like swimming.
Basically, high protein, low carb. I work out three to four times a week. I definitely don't do the same thing every day, whether it be spinning or hiking or walking or doing the treadmill. I try to do something different every day. But definitely the one thing is, I sweat.
I've never been the person who's like, 'I've got to get a four-pack of abs!' And I'm not the type to go to the gym and run on the treadmill for 45 minutes and then lift weights.
I try and put in a weights section one day a week. I'd go to a different gym and work with a different coach: squatting, bench press, dead lifts. Just basic work. Pull-ups. Ground work. A lot of sit-ups and a lot of push-ups.
I loved 'Celebrity Fit Club,' working out six days a week, running a mile and a half three times a week, and doing 1,000 crunches and sit-ups a day with a trainer. I did too much, but I lost 78 pounds of fat and 18 inches around my waist in four months.
In the preseason, in the month of October, I work out almost every day, lifting weights for 20 or 30 minutes, and then during the season I usually lift weights twice a week, sometimes a little more.
At the gym, I do full-body circuits with low weights and high repetitions, as well as four or five cardio intervals thrown into the mix. I put a lot of emphasis on core strength and flexibility training. I also do a lot of running in my free time. Anytime I can move my cardio outside in the sunshine, I do.
I adhere to my exercise program, which is about 20 minutes a day. I do it seven days a week. I have a little stall in the breezeway of our garage where I have a walking machine, a stair climber, and I do 15 pound weights, and I watch television. Because I hate exercise.
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