A Quote by Colin Greenwood

I think the biggest problem we have is taking too long over things. Not in terms of getting it right, but sometimes we do things quickly that are really good. — © Colin Greenwood
I think the biggest problem we have is taking too long over things. Not in terms of getting it right, but sometimes we do things quickly that are really good.
Macho in a different sense, the kind of things that we think makes us a man. It doesn't really exist right now. I really don't want it to seem that I think it's a problem that women are in development, I don't think it's as problem at all, I just think it's an interesting time that we're in. And maybe long overdue - maybe television for a long time was made for men and it's long overdue.
My biggest weakness is patience, wanting to see things happen too quickly or get changes in place right away. Not having the patience to let things develop.
I think some of the most beneficial things being an artist has brought to me in film is just you're not afraid to do things. You're used to being in front of people. That's not the problem. The biggest thing is just getting into the character and really delivering.
There's an old maxim which is really true for every parent and that is, 'You haven't failed until you quit trying.' I think that means both in terms of taking appropriate opportunities to teach one's children the right way, but at all times making sure they know that over all things you'll love them.
I'm constantly trying to be strong, to be calm when things get tough. The biggest part of that is keeping things in perspective, not being afraid of playing long matches, not putting too much pressure on yourself. It can't be all or nothing, right here, right now.
We often add to our pain and suffering by being overly sensitive, over-reacting to minor things, and sometimes taking things too personally.
I think its very easy to try to launch things too quickly and do things too quickly and not pay attention to the details along the way.
We're in this space right now where things are very precarious for women and things in the States are so terrifying. There are so many rollbacks of rights women have gained - and it can happen quickly, more quickly than we think. I think it would be good for us to think back and ahead to protect the space we're in.
I was really fortunate. I don't believe in luck so I was really fortunate. God really blessed me in terms of my health. ... I was really healthy. But I tried to do my part in terms of preparation, in terms of perseverance. I tried to do my part to make sure that I was always ready to play and try to stay ahead of the game. I tried to beat people with my mind. I wasn't the biggest or the one that jumped the highest, but I had a real high basketball IQ and I knew it. ... I was a student of game and tried to prepare and be professional and have a good attitude. All of those things helped me have a long career.
I think I missed all of the wonderful things ... I missed the control that you have in film, and I missed getting it right, really getting it right, the way you hope people will see it. All of the things that people love about theater - the fact that it changes every night and that it's so spontaneous - all of those things just frighten me.
I don't tend to think in terms of a moral authority - be a good boy, do good things - more in terms of what feels right.
One of the things that comedy has given me over the years is a really good ability to laugh at myself and to not take things that don't matter too much too seriously. I feel that very little offends me anymore and I'm really grateful for that because I think I was a pretty uptight little kid.
I think that's one of the biggest problems in rock is people thinking too much, putting too much emphasis on getting things perfect or completely sorted out. Sometimes that sound of not having everything sorted out is kind of cool.
Money is a great way to get happiness. Right? Lots of wonderful things you can do with money. The question is, are we really optimizing on that? So, if you think about getting lattes and getting cable. Which one of those is actually giving you a greater happiness, and if you have to cut on one of those, which one would you cut? So, I think thinking in terms of concrete terms would help us a great deal.
A lot of people think technology is a solution, but it's really just a canvas for your work. It can make good things amazing and bad things terrible. Facebook allows you to have access to mass audience really quickly if you do creative really well.
Anyone that knows me knows that I get over things quickly and usually forget about it as well. Sometimes a good thing, sometimes not so much.
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